
merle n.〔蘇格蘭語〕【鳥類】〔古語〕= blackbird.


By merle d . kellerhals , jr . washington file staff writer washington - - when two u . s . air force c - 17 cargo jets dropped 37 , 500 packets of food and medicine in two areas of afghanistan october 7 , they were making good on president bush s commitment to provide humanitarian aid to the afghan people , defense secretary donald rumsfeld says 華盛頓國防部長唐納德拉姆斯菲爾德說,美國空軍的兩架c - 17運輸機于10月7日向阿富汗的兩個地區空投了37 , 500包食品和藥品,履行了布殊總統向阿富汗人民提供人道援助的承諾。

Born in scotland , director , producer , composer , writer and technical innovator norman mclaren relocated to canada in 1941 , and is best known for his foundation of and work at the national film board of canadas renowned animation studio . with a career spanning 50 years , mclaren was one of the worlds most influential filmmakers , and won dozens of awards prior to his death in 1987 . among his most notable films are : hen hop , le merle , stars and stripes , blinkity blank , neighbours , lines - horizontal , stars and stripes , pas de deux , and narcissus 麥拿倫屬于fine art animation的重量級人馬,善用pixilation真人結合的杰作中,有反映冷戰的《親善鄰居》和《友椅故事》 , 《開場白:麥拿倫》他更親自落場表演mic玩人; 《星與條》在菲林繪畫, 《地平線》和《黑鳥》則是簡單線條微模主義, 《聲畫同步》 、 《雙人舞》及《幻艷之舞》是后期力作,重拾少年時鍾情舞蹈的繆思神想。

Merle colours ( blue as well as the rare red ) , chocolate white , sable white , red white , blue white and in all colours the mottled effect ( a freckled pattern ) can also be found 山鳥(云石)色(藍色以及稀有的紅色) 、巧克力和白色、黑(紫)貂色和白色、紅白、藍白和各種混色(呈斑點圖紋)也可以找到。

No one embodied the blue - collar sound of outlaw country more than waylon jennings , willie nelson , johnny cash , and merle haggard in this period 這一時期的威倫.杰寧斯、威利.納爾遜,約翰尼.卡西及靡樂.哈格德將現代鄉村音樂中貼近工人階層的內涵反映得淋漓盡致。

The color of the eye should be brown with all coat colors ; excepting the merle colors were ( partially ) blue eyes are permitted 所有毛色的邊境牧羊犬的眼睛都應該是褐色的;但是允許山鳥色的邊境牧羊犬有(部分)藍色的眼睛。

According to the method proposed by merle d ' aubigne to assess the results of treatment , the average pre - operative score of 7 was increased to 15 post - operation )評分法評價療效,由術前平均7分改善至術后15分。

“ for any one but yourself , “ madame merle mentally observed ; but the reflexion was perfectly inaudible “除了你自己, ”梅爾夫人在心里說,但這樣的話,別人當然是聽不到的。

“ my ambitions are principally for you “ , said madame merle , looking up at him with a certain courage “我的野心主要是為了你, ”梅爾夫人說,似乎問心無愧地抬起頭來看著他。

In spite of sir matthew hope ' s benevolent recommendation madame merle did not remain to the end 馬修?霍普爵士雖然提出了仁慈的勸告,梅爾夫人并沒有留到最后。

This has gone too far resulting in merle being quite a rare pattern these days 由于沒有把握好度(太過火) ,導致今天山鳥色變成了一種相當罕見的斑紋樣式。

Foulques du merle 福爾克杜梅洛

The merle colours were very common in the early days of the breed 在早期的邊境牧羊犬中,山鳥色曾經非常普遍。

Thank you , brother merle . that was merle haggard on kyha 謝謝,兄弟,這是梅爾

Madame merle was a tall, fair, smooth woman, everything in her person was round and replete, though without those accumulations which suggest heaviness . 梅爾夫人生得高大,俊俏,豐腴,身上的一切都圓圓的,顯得飽滿,然而并不給人以笨重的肥胖感覺。

Madame merle had had that note of rarity, but what quite other power it immediately gained when sounded by a man . 梅爾夫人雖然也有罕見的特色,但這個特色體現在男人身上的時候,就具有了完全不同的力量。

“for any one but yourself,“ madame merle mentally observed; but the reflexion was perfectly inaudible . “除了你自己,”梅爾夫人在心里說,但這樣的話,別人當然是聽不到的。