
meritorious adj.有功勛的,有功勞的;有價值的;可稱贊的;值得獎勵...


The award was aimed to promote safe driving and to recognize the meritorious driving performance of the driver grades staff 這項獎勵計劃目的是鼓勵安全駕駛及表揚司機職系同事的優秀駕駛表現。

Liver meritorious service is regular , send all round eye socket namely yellow , how to return a responsibility ? how should treat 肝功正常,就是眼圈四周發黃,怎么回事?應該怎么治療?

Continuing consultation on measures to provide temporary protection to the most meritorious historical buildings 繼續研究應采取何種措施,把最具價值的歷史建筑物予以適時保護。

Skilfully use single - phase electric energy meter check - up device examine three - phase line four meritorious electric energy meter 巧用單相電能表校驗裝置檢三相四線有功電能表

“ selection exercises will be conducted on a regular basis to allocate the quota to the most meritorious applicants 發言人說:甄選將定期進行,將名額分配予最優秀的申請人。

Morale : various award schemes will continue to motivate meritorious performance through proper recognition 士氣政府會繼續推行各項獎勵計劃,適當地表揚員工,藉以激勵士氣。

A 40 years meritorious service certificate photo - engraved on a metal plate with a wooden stand 四十年優良服務獎狀這個獎狀為一個附連木架的金屬牌,牌上印有員工的相片。

Awards for each category of “ catering establishments “ will consist of gold , silver , bronze and meritorious prizes 獎項食肆組內各類別分別設有金、銀、銅及優異獎等。

Only in this way to understand meritorious performance can the legislation be carried out permanently 只有如此理解,有關立法才能一以貫之,刑事政策才能充分執行。

Since 1985 , one scholarship has been awarded annually to a meritorious scholar from hong kong 自一九八五年起,羅德獎學金信托委員會將香港列入獎學計劃之內。

Part two . the concept , constitution , nature and classification of meritorious performance system 第二部分,立功的概念、成立條件、本質及分類。

Going on expeditions for 10 years and performing meritorious deeds - marking 100th birthday of tan zhenlin ' s 在紀念尚鉞誕辰100周年大會上的發言

Of course meritorious prediction proposals ( if any exist ) should be funded 當然,應當對有成績的預測建議書如果有任何存在的話提供經費。 ”

Since 1985 , one scholarship has been awarded annually to a meritorious scholar from hong kong 羅德獎學金乃根據施素?羅德的遺愿而成立的。

By just picking up litter and refraining from littering , we are doing meritorious deeds 95能不亂丟垃圾,隨時清撿垃圾,都是做的功德。

Presentation ceremony for long and meritorious service certificates and retirement souvenirs 長期優良服務獎狀及退休紀念品頒贈典禮

Hku s “ little prince is depressed “ won in the 2006 meritorious website contest 香港大學創作的憂郁小王子獲選為2006年優秀網站

They preformed meritorious deeds in the fight to defend the frontiers of our motherland 他們在保衛祖國邊疆的戰斗中立了功。

Meritorious unit commendation 優秀單位嘉獎