
meritocracy n.1.學術界名流。2.英才教育。3.能人統治。n.-c...


It has four character : first , while the acts were made lately , they developed quickly , but took effect slowly ; second , the invest was big , and the achievement was prominent to show , and the meritocracy was obvious , third , the acts were assorted , covering widely and guaranteeing completely ; fourth , the acts guided the education and made it linked to the market 第四部分:總結二戰后教育保障制度發展的基本特征。戰后美國教育保障事業的發展有四個基本特征:一是立法晚,發展快,但見效比較慢;二是投資巨大,成就顯著,突出英才主義培養特色;三是立法種類齊全,涵蓋面廣,保障全面;四是引導教育發展方向,使教育計劃與市場需要相掛鉤。

This effective scholarship network , which has antecedents in the chinese examination system but has been continually refined to meet the challenges of the information and technological era , has enabled singapore to uphold meritocracy in its public administration 成功克服挑戰的,可能成為常任秘書將領甚至政府部長。中國的科舉制度,可以說是這種有效的獎學金計劃的前身。獎學金計劃不斷被改進,以應付資訊科技時代的新挑戰。

He knows that the government operates on the basis of meritocracy and shuns nepotism and cronyism . meritocracy means that every one who is recruited into the civil service gets in on the basis of his own merit and not through connections 他會知道,政府一向任人唯賢,絕不會任人唯親,縱容裙帶關系。任人唯賢是指公務員獲聘用是完全基于本身條件而不是私人關系,而日后獲得晉升,是因為他的努力和才干。

This newspaper has long argued that a mobile society is better than an equal one : disparities are tolerable if combined with meritocracy and general economic advance 長期以來,媒介一直宣稱保持社會的動態發展比大鍋飯要好:在總體經濟發展的前提下,社會精英與其他人的收入不一致是可以接受的。

We understand your need for career development . you will find work rewarding in our meritocracy system , in which your career path will be charted as we grow 我們了解你期待事業得到發展,你會發現,在我們的知識系統中,你將會得到你的工作報酬,同時,你的事業隨著我們的發展也將會得到標注。

This debate mixes up three arguments ? about inequality , meritocracy and immigration . the word that america should worry about most is the one you hear least ? meritocracy 這場爭論涉及三個論題- -不平等,賢能主義和移民.美國應最關注的詞是最鮮見的- -賢能主義

Meritocracy means that every one who is recruited into the civil service gets in on the basis of his own merit and not through connections 任人唯賢是指公務員獲聘用是完全基于本身條件而不是私人關系,而日后獲得晉升,是因為他的努力和才干。

P rez created an unmanageable monster , a satiated , divided squad of ageing players , a club where marketing ranks ahead of meritocracy 球員年齡老化自滿和不服管束都是他的痼疾。此外,俱樂部過分依賴商業開發也是球隊成績不好的一個原因。

Our heritage must be congealed into a distinct singapore identity with such core values as meritocracy , tolerance and consensus - developing 我們的傳統必須凝聚成為新加坡人獨有的特性,并具有任人唯賢、互相容忍和建立共識的核心價值觀。

The toughest obstacle to improving the worst is the strident opposition of the teachers ' unions to meritocracy 目前,影響這些差學校改進的最大障礙來自全美教師工會對精英教育喋喋不休的抗議聲。

We operate as a meritocracy . for developers street credentials must be earned . in business common sense must be proved 我們以實力主義來運作.開發人員必須有街道的證明.必須具備商業常識

The geronimo team , like the famous apache web server team it s modeled after , is a meritocracy Geronimo團隊是一個精英團體,就像著名的apache web服務器團隊一樣。

He knows that the government operates on the basis of meritocracy and shuns nepotism and cronyism 他會知道,政府一向任人唯賢,絕不會任人唯親,縱容裙帶關系。

An efficient administration of justice , meritocracy and good leadership are the reasons for our success 法正,管嚴與賢人領導能者辦事是新加坡成功之道。

Entrepreneurship15 is almost by definition an expression of meritocracy 企業家本身幾乎就可以說是精英管理的體現。

Is britain a meritocracy 英國是英才管理的國家嗎

A global meritocracy is in all our interests 全球范圍內的賢能主義是許多人的夢想和追求。