
merit n.1.價值;美點,長處,優點。2.〔常 pl.〕功勞,...

merit roll

Merit consists in seeing into the nature of affairs a very great deal farther than anybody else . 它的長處在于觀察事情的真相遠較任何人深刻。

They hung upon him for a time, and left him with merited reproaches and contempt . 這班人跟隨他幾時,后來散了,卻無一個不罵他,看得起他的。

Corell said, “my job, sir, merits better treatment than being sent away. “ 科雷爾說:“長官,我的工作所應得的酬報總不應該是驅逐出境吧。”

Because your merit cries out upon myself, i have been trying to do it away . 由于你之所長明顯反襯出我之所短,我一直想把你的優點抹殺。

Judith, bring out killdeer, for this is the occasion to try his merits . 朱迪思,把“鹿見愁”拿來。這次可是好機會,顯顯它的妙處。

His faults are accepted as the necessary complements to his merits . 他的瑕疵在世人的眼中已經成為他的優點的必不可少的補足物。

Raise your standards, my brave men, and set neither measure nor limit to your merited rage . 勇士們,高舉戰旗,奮勇前進吧!

He obtained his position by favour more than by merit and ability . 他靠別人的偏愛而非靠自己的長處和能力謀得他的職位。

Oh! the poor pompeians are very civil-they love to honour merit . 唉:可憐的龐貝人是很講友情的,他們很尊重有才華的人。

Yet i shall have the merit of making it go as far as such poor stuff can go . 可是我有本事使這類的草包盡量振作起來。

The final words of the acard working group merit quotation in full . 咨詢委員會工作小組的結束語值得在這里全文引用。

You, hetty, may not know what a merit it is a man to have truth . 你還不知道,海蒂,對男人來說,誠實是多么重要啊!

He would not hope to persuade the president of the merits of communism . 他也不希望勸說總統相信共產主義如何優越。

Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment . 接替他出任這個教職的洛威爾也極其稱職。

It's unpopularity with their enemies became a criterion of its merit . 攻擊的人越不喜歡,越可以證明書的價值。

Lowell, who succeeded him in the chair, also merited the appointment . 接替他出任這個職位的洛威爾也極其稱職。

The air of contented shrewdness was all the more of a merit . 那種沾沾自喜,老謀深算的神態,更顯得難能可貴。

Like such a recognition of merit it seemed to come with authority . 這種對功勞的贊許只能來自權威之口。

The new design compromises the merits of chinese and western styles . 這個新設計融合了中西式的優點。