
merino n.(pl. merinos) (原產西班牙的)美利奴綿...


Georgiana added to her how d ye do ? several commonplaces about my journey , the weather , and so on , uttered in rather a drawling tone : and accompanied by sundry side - glances that measured me from head to foot - now traversing the folds of my drab merino pelisse , and now lingering on the plain trimming of my cottage bonnet 隨后她便又坐下,加了幾句關于旅途和天氣之類的寒喧,說話時慢聲慢氣,還不時側眼看我,從頭打量到腳目光一會兒落在黃褐色美利奴毛皮外衣的褶縫上,一會停留在我鄉間小帽的普通飾物上。

These two sisters had invited many professors and friends to gather at the local school , teniente merino , to chat with the quan yin messenger and his companions . after an enthusiastic talk regarding spiritual questions , people requested to learn the convenient method 這對姊妹邀請了許多教授朋友在特年迭美利諾學校中和觀音使者一行人會面,討論了許多修行問題,當場有一些人立即報名要修方便法。

Simply soft and cuddly , a pure wool throw evokes a sense of natural comfort and tranquility . the rich texture of merino wool is casually finished with a twisted fringe 款式樸素大方、質地柔軟舒適、令人不禁想擁之入懷,純潔的羊毛小毯能給人一種自然舒適和靜謐的感覺。美利奴羊毛豐富的織紋在彎曲的流蘇的映襯下顯得格外的休閑、精致。

You are - he stopped , ran his eye over my dress , which , as usual , was quite simple : a black merino cloak , a black beaver bonnet ; neither of them half fine enough for a lady s - maid 你是”他打住了,目光掠過我照例十分樸實的衣服,我披著黑色美利奴羊毛斗篷,戴著頂黑水獺皮帽,這兩件東西遠遠沒有太太的傭人衣服那么講究。

Previts , gary and barbara merino . a history of accounting in america : an historical interpretation of the cultural significance of accounting [ m ] . new york , the ronald press , 1979 對美國財務會計概念結構產生背景及其與特魯伯羅德報告之間的聯系,請參閱葛家澍主編《會計學導論》附錄,上海立信會計圖書出版社1988年版。

He farms 100 merino fine wool sheep in an area close to where the breed was first introduced to china , but where recent trends have been into meat breeds 他在中國首次引進美利奴細毛羊地區的附近飼養了100頭美利奴細毛羊,而該地區目前的趨勢是發展肉羊品種。

A shepherd leads some two thousand merino sheep past madrid ' s famous landmark alcala gate november 4 , 2001 11月4日,西班牙一名牧羊人帶領大約2000頭美利奴細毛羊通過馬德里一個著名古城門。

High quality merino wool socks made from the highest quality new zealand merino wool to ensure maximum comfort and dry feet 奴優質羊毛襪制成優質新西蘭羊毛奴為確保最高的舒適和干腳

The wool we use includes : australian merino wool chinese wool uruguayan wool argentine wool , etc 我們使用的羊毛包括:澳大利亞美麗奴羊毛烏拉圭羊毛阿根廷羊毛國毛,等等

Herewith we have pleasure in hand you an indent for immediate shipment of100 bales of al merino wool 茲寄上本公司的訂單,請立即發運100包一等品美利奴羊毛。

South suffolk rams may be used on any breed of ewe and will even produce prime lambs from merino ewes 南薩福克公羊也許能與任一種母羊生產出頭等羊羔。

A soft , lightweight fabric made originally of merino wool but now of any fine wool 茲寄上本公司的訂單,請立即發運100包一等品美利奴羊毛。

Our merino is fine quality and preshrunk , the touching is very comfortable and smooth 等級很高的美麗諾穿起來完全不扎,非常舒服!

This is a warm 100 % merino cardigan that is the best choice for winter 純美麗諾羊毛的外套讓你冬天暖呼呼!

The wool comes from the famous merino sheep 這羊毛產自于著名的美麗諾綿羊。