
meridional adj.1.子午圈[線]的;最高的,全盛的。2.南歐(人...


Long scale oscillations in the meridional wind stress rebuild by pop analysis make the intention of el nino / la nina events deeply too . however , the change is slender and the range is adjacent with true position . we also draw a conclusion that the zonal wind stress is more important than the meridional wind stress in creating el nino / la nina evolution 保留在重建的經向風應力中的大尺度振蕩成分也起到加強了elnino lanina事件的強度的作用,但強度比緯向風應力模擬的弱,與觀測風應力模擬的強度相差不大,在空間范圍上與觀測風應力模擬的基本一致。

All these results confirm the important of wind in meridional circulation and heat transport . based on mom2 model , a rectangular basin model with ideal w ind stress and other ideal conditions is designed to study the main processes and dynamical mechanism in setting the depth of cross - equator flow . the effects of horizontal diffusivity , seasonal variations of 我們還通過全球海洋環流模式,進一步證實了風應力的季節變化在北印度洋熱收支、 sst以及海洋環流變化中的作用:即包含風應力的季節變化將使長期平均的sst降低,海面凈熱通量增加。

The main factors affecting the precipitation in the first stage of rainy season in fujian province are pacific sst in preceding june , the western pacific subtropical high area index in preceding may , the asia polar vortex area index in preceding september , the eurasian meridional circulation index in preceding april to june , the 500hpa height in northwest asia in preceding spring . the main factors affecting the precipitation in the second stage of rainy season in fujian province are pacific sst in preceding july and august , the northern hemisphere polar vortex area index in january in same term , the pacific polar vortex intensity index in preceding september , the 500hpa height in south europe in preceding summer ( 2 )影響福建省前汛期的主要因子有:前期6月太平洋海溫場、前期5月西太平洋副高面積指數、前期9月亞洲區極渦面積指數、前期4 - 6月歐亞徑向環流指數和前期春季亞洲西北部500hpa高度場;影響后汛期的主要因子有:前期7月太平洋海溫場、前期8月太平洋海溫場、同期1月北半球極渦面積指數、前期9月太平洋區極渦強度指數和前期夏季歐洲南部500hpa高度場。

( 2 ) the thermodynamic analysis of 1997 / 1998 el nino shows that in nino4 the contribution of the zonal and the meridional advection to the ssta increase are equivalent and both bigger than that of the vertical upwelling flow ; in nino3 the contribution of the meridional advection to ssta increase is the most and the counterparts of the zonal advection and vertical upwelling flow are equivalent ; in nino 1 + 2 it is still the most that the contribution of the meridional advection to ssta increase , and the counterpart of the zonal advection is less than that of the vertical upwelling flow ( 2 )對1997 1998elnino事件進行熱力診斷分析表明, nino4區緯向平流項與經向平流項對ssta增加的貢獻相當,且都大于垂直上翻流對ssta增加的貢獻; nino3區經向平流項對ssta增加的貢獻最大,緯向平流項與垂直上翻流對ssta增加的貢獻相當; nino1 + 2區,仍然是經向平流項對ssta增加的貢獻最大,而緯向平流項對ssta增加的貢獻小于垂直上翻流對ssta增加的貢獻。

The work of this thesis is financially supported by the aero fund project . the main purpose is to study the aerodynamics design technology of counter - turbine , to find the question differing from the aerodynamics design of general turbine , and to provide theoretical basis for development of aeroengine . first , the design method for the counter - turbine meridional flow is developed in the present thesis , and one 1 + 1 type counter - turbine is designed using this method 本論文的工作來源于航空科學基金項目,主要是研究對轉渦輪的氣動設計方法,并通過對對轉渦輪的氣動設計與分析,搞清對轉渦輪設計的關鍵問題、發現區別于常規渦輪設計的特殊性,為今后先進軍用戰斗機發動機燃氣渦輪設計與研制奠定理論基礎。

In the thesis , the design method of the diagonal flow fan impeller has detailedly researched different from the previous means borrowing and extending design methods for axial flow or centrifugal type , a complete design method has presented on the basis of quasi - three dimensional design idea . the course is mainly composed of such steps as meridional surface design , inverse problem computation in meridional surface , blade shaping on stream surface , and verifying through three dimensional computation , until the design requirement is met at last 不同于以往的軸流式或離心式延長設計方法或經驗方法,本文按照準三元設計的思路給出了一套完整的設計方法,即子午面設計?子午面反問題計算?斜流流面上葉片造型?三維計算驗證優化,直至符合設計目標。

The metabolic rate in pelteobagrus vachelli ( richardson ) was higher than those two fishes under this study temperature respectively . the discussions suggested : the metabolic rate in pelteobagrus vachelli ( richardson ) was higher than that in either silurus meridional is or silurus asotus could be understood on the different ecological habits among them . for example , the level of spontaneous activitie in pelteobagrus vachelli ( richardson ) vas higher ( 4 )以本研究中的瓦氏黃顙魚的平均體重值( 8 . 3g )為標準體重,采用文獻報道的南方鲇( silurusmeridionalis )和鲇魚( silurusasotus )的靜止代謝率模型,計算了兩種魚在本實驗各溫度下的靜止代謝率,比較發現在各個溫度下瓦氏黃額魚的靜止代謝率高于前兩種魚。

( 4 ) latitude and meridional wind stress fields both have the character of quasi - quadrennial and quasi - biennial oscillation , but their phases are different . so their conjunct effect makes enso oscillation have both quasi - quadrennial and quasi - biennial periodicity and erratic , which causes the forecast of enso events uncertainty ( 4 )緯向和經向風應力距平場具有準4a和準2a的振蕩性質,但是位相存在差異,因此共同作用下造成enso振蕩既有準4a和準2a的周期性,又有不規則性,對于enso事件的預報帶來不確定性。

With this program , the blade suit for flow parameters that was obtained from the meridional - flow program is designed . finally , the flow field of the cascade of the counter - turbine is simulated using the cfd program . the cfd program is based on the jameson cell - centered finite volume method 最后對所設計出的對轉渦輪平面葉柵內部流場進行了初步數值計算,采用的計算格式為jamescn的具有二階精度的runge ? kutta四步顯式有限體積法,結合時間推進求解euler方程。

The well correlation times persist for about six months and the incidence level is reach or pass 0 . 01 . the meridional wind field which persistly impacting on sst in kuroshio region is near the west tropical pacafic . the result also behave as distinctly positive correlativity . afterwards we investigate the relationship between sst in kuroshio region and ninoc , 4 region and integrate the front conclusion . as a resultjt display that the sst in kuroshio region persists for positive relevance during the course of el - nino and inversely during the course of la - nina . subsequentl y the synthetic fields of kuroshio region ' s ssta in el - nino and la - nina years have proved the front outcome 對與黑潮海溫異常變化關系密切的風場關鍵區及兩者的相互關系研究表明:黑潮本身的風場和其源地北赤道流海域的風場異常對黑潮海溫的影響僅限于同期及海溫滯后1到2個月,而能持續影響黑潮海溫異常的經向風場的關鍵區出現在赤道西太平洋( 140 - 160e , 5s - 5n ) ,緯向的關鍵區則在赤道中太平洋( 160e - 150w , 5s - 5n ) ,且緯向關鍵區的強度和范圍均大于經向,兩者對黑潮海溫的影響均能持續六個月左右。

Its interannual variation ' s main period is about 4 ~ 5a and the 7 ~ 8a ' s period exist too ; the interdecadal variation ' s main period of the australian high is about 15a . the interannual variation of australian high ( aah ) has correct correlation with antarctic oscillation and enso , and the enso ' s 4a period has the most important influence on the aah . ( 2 ) when the ah becomes stronger , the members of the whole aamcs are stronger following it . that is to say , in the years that the ah is stronger ( compared to the weak years of ah ) and on the horizontal circulation , the members of aamcs , including the ah , the cross - equator flow ( cef ) between 100 and 160 e , the south china sea south - west monsoom ( ssm ) , the south sea monsoon rough , the tropical easily flow , subtropical high ( sh ) , the mei - yu front , the mid - latitude effect , become stronger , and their positions are more southward ; in the meridional - right circulation , there are five circulations including classic monsoon meridional - cirle circulation and hadley circulation that become stronger in the strong years of ah than in the weak years of ah 本文采用ncep ncar再分析月平均的全球海平面氣壓場、高度場、海表溫度場、高云量和cmap全球降水資料,以及中國160站逐月降水資料,分析了1948 2002年期間澳大利亞高壓(以下簡稱澳高)的年際和年代際變化以及澳高年際變化對亞澳季風環流系統的影響,結果顯示: ( 1 )澳高存在明顯的年際和年代際變化,澳高年際變化以4 5年的周期變化為主,同時兼有7 8年左右的周期,而澳高的年代際變化則以15年左右的周期變化為主:澳高年際變化同時與南極濤動和enso有正相關,并且enso的4年左右的周期變化對澳高年際變化影響最大。

The seasonal variation of the mean meridional circulation and the double - level structure of the hadley circulation are analyzed by the two methods . the paper also studies the zonal difference of the anomalous meridional circulation and the impacts of el nino / la nina events on the local meridional circulation anomaly . conclusions are drawn as follows : 1 , the hadley circulations in both hemisphere and the position of their joint uprising branch move wholly with the heat equation , with most north in july and most south in january 然后用簡化方法分析了氣候平均經圈環流的季節變化,論文還對hadley環流的雙層結構和異常經圈環流的緯向差異以及elnino 、 lanina事件對局地經圈環流異常的影響作了研究,結果表明: 1 ,北、南半球hadley環流圈及其共同上升支的位置隨熱赤道作整體性移動, 7月最北, 1月最南。

Detailed numerical simulation of krain impeller at design operating condition is made , the computed results , such as circumferentially averaged shroud static pressure distribution , meridional velocity and relative flow angel et al . , show good agreement with experimental data 對krain高速離心葉輪在設計工況下的內部流場進行了詳細的數值模擬,計算所得輪蓋壓力分布、子午速度及相對氣流角分布與實驗結果吻合較好,并且進一步加深了對二次流機理的認識。

Moreover , as for average state , the crucial areas of wind stress acting on the two kinds of el nino exist different sites , and the zonal wind stress play a important role on eastern el nino models , the meridional wind stress , however , play a significant effect on the middle el nino models 此外,平均而言,風應力場對兩類elnino作用的關鍵區也有所不同,而且緯向風應力對東部型elnino有重要作用,經向風應力對中部型elnino的產生則起著至關重要的作用。

Diagnostic results show that the westerly wind stress anomaly and convergent meridional wind stress anomaly over the tropical pacific correspond to the every el nino , and the easterly anomaly and divergent meridional wind stress anomaly correspond to the vanishing of el nino 通過研究表明,每次elnino事件在熱帶太平洋都伴隨著西風應力異常以及向赤道輻合的經向風應力異常,東風應力異常及向兩極輻散的經向風應力異常與elnino消亡對應。

Using an ideal two - dimensional mhd model , this paper investigates the evolution of a pure flow velocity enhancement disturbance in the solar wind in the heliospheric equatorial plane ( 2 - d , 2 - component model ) and the heliospheric meridional plane ( 2 - d , 3 - component model ) 摘要采用二維理想mhd模型,分別在日球赤道面(二維二分量模型)和日球子午面(二維三分量模型)內研究太陽風中純速度增幅擾動的演化。

With the reduction of the leading time , the location of the zonal wind stress area influencing nino3 ssta expands toward the middle pacific from the eastern pacific , as well as the meridional wind stress in the eastern pacific and the western pacific 影響nino3區ssta的緯向風應力區域的位置隨風應力超前的時間縮短由東太平洋向中太平洋擴展,經向風應力區域的位置由東太平洋和西太平洋向中太平洋移動。

When south indian ocean in southern hemisphere - zonal ( meridional ) circulation developing in middle latitude and in high latitude of australian , the precipitation in middle and lower reaches of yangtze river rather big ( small ) after some relative process affecting 當南半球南印度洋?澳大利亞中高緯度地區緯向(經向)環流發展時,通過一系列的環流過程影響,長江中下游梅雨期降水偏多(偏少) 。

On land , meridional , a bispherical moon , revealed in imperfect varying phases of lunation through the posterior interstice of the imperfectly occluded skirt of a carnose negligent perambulating female , a pillar of the cloud by day 陸地上,朝著南方,以雙球體的月亮為標志:一個正徜徉著的豐腴邋遢女人那沒有完全遮住的裙子后面,從裂縫里露出太陰月那不完整起著變化的月相。