
meridian n.1.【天文學】子午圈[線];正午。2.頂點,絕頂;全...

meridian altitude

P . m . is short for post meridian . p . m 是下午的縮寫。

The changes of meridian energy in insomnia patient ' s heart and kidney meridian 失眠患者心腎經絡能量的變化

The establishment of the meridian theory and the ancient mysterious numbers 經絡學說的建構與古代神秘數字

Application of infrared imaging technique in meridian study 紅外熱像系統計算機技術在中醫經絡研究中的應用

Theoretical structure and scientific connotation of the theory of meridians 經絡學說的理論結構與科學內涵

Correction for meridian curvature correction 子午線曲率改正

A new way for study of meridian essence 研究經絡本質的新途徑

Discussion on kidney diseases and syndrome differentiation of six meridians 淺論腎臟疾病與六經辨證

Times of meridian passage of the planets 行星在香港的中天時間

Study on the visible display of meridian on the dummy human body 經絡在虛擬人體上可視化顯示的研究

Meridian theory in excavated cultural relic 奇經八脈學說文獻考

Discover meridian - research on meridian essence and its bioequivalence 經絡本質與生物學基礎研究

Along meridian acupoint pressing in treating 332 patients with influenza 循經點穴治療感冒332例

Iii household series : meridian and collateral therapeutic apparatus Scn系列ic卡預付費冷熱水表

Every place on the same meridian has the same longitude 同一經線上的每個地方都有相同的經度。

Meridian theory in xianqin lianghan dynasties ' books related to tcm 經絡學說與針灸原理的研究

Exploration on ren meridian correlating with brain 任脈與腦相關探析

A new approach to the origin of the meridian theory 經絡學說起源新探

Origination and function of meridian theory 經絡學說的形成原委及功能