
merger n.(企業等的)合并,并吞;結合;合并者(= merge...


The option pricing model of companies ' mergers 購并目標公司的期權定價模型

Of mnc ' s merger and investment in china 跨國公司在華并購投資中國如何應對

Analysis on the efficiency of conglomerate mergers of listed 上市公司混合購并效率分析

The three other planned mergers are still being worked out 至于其他三件尚在折沖中。

A consolidation or merger , as of several corporations 這兩家公司在考慮合并的可能性。

Research of culture merger of merged business 并購企業的文化沖突與整合管理

Timing decision of transnational merger amp; acquisitions 企業跨國橫向并購的時機選擇

Antitrust regulation of american enterprise merger 美國企業合并的反壟斷規制

Jake : you seem happy about the merger 杰克:看來你對兩家的合并感到很開心。

Comments on the way of payment of enterprise mergers 企業并購的支付方式述評

Citibank hong kong limited merger bill 花旗銀行香港有限公司合并條例草案

Marketing strategy and planning mergers and acquisitions 市場營銷戰略與規劃

Euronext is itself the product of mergers 泛歐交易所其自身就是合并的產物。

This merger ought to put us ahead of the game 這次合并應該使我們處于有利的位置上。

On theories of merger amp; acquisition motives 西方跨國公司并購動機理論綜述

Analysis on the enterprise motive of acquisition and merger 企業購并動機分析

Culture integration in corporate merger and acquisition 論企業并購的文化整合

Report of the bills committee on rail merger bill 兩鐵合并條例草案委員會報告

Analyses of motives and reasons for enterprise merger 企業兼并動機與原因及行為分析