
mergence n.沒入,消失;合并,結合,融合。


With the rising of the knowledge - based economy in the world , there is a tendency that shows inter - dependence , mutual promotion , mutual mergence and coordination between the s & t advance and economic development 隨著知識經濟在世界范圍內的悄然興起,科技進步與經濟發展呈現相互依存、相互促進、相互融合、協同發展的總趨勢。

Enterprise mergence and acquisition appeared in the early stage of economic development . there have been five waves of enterprise “ mergence and acquisition on the global scale for more than one hundred years 企業并購在經濟發展的早期就已出現,在迄今為止的一百多年間,全球已發生了五次大規模企業并購浪潮。

Relying on its rich material strength and effective propagational way , the publishing business had urged the mergence and the plural development of the “ may 4th “ new - vernacular literature 出版業不僅直接催主了“五四”新文學,而且還憑借雄厚的實力和多樣的出版形式為“五四”新文學家建構了馳騁文壇的陣地。

According to this method , when the distance between the adjacent peaks is less than the adaptive fuzzy false potential factor , the false potential mergence should be implemented 由偽勢概念確定了偽勢合并的判別方法,按照此方法,當相鄰的兩個峰之間的距離小于所定義的自適應模糊偽勢因子時,則應該進行偽勢合并。

This paper indicates that the further mergence of china financial market into international financial markets will surely promote the rapid and healthy growth of china private fund 隨著我國金融市場與國際金融市場的進一步融合,隨著私募基金的合法化,私募基金將會在我國獲得快速、健康、規范的發展。

The management of the state - owned assets during the mergence of libraries is a brand - new job with the characteristics of a tight schedule , a burdensome task , momentous responsibilities , etc 合并過程中的高校圖書館國有資產管理工作是一項全新的工作,它具有時間緊、任務重、責任重大等特點。

Referring to the history of state - owned business enterprise and based on its actuality , the mergence has become a very important modality to impulse the reform of soe 國有企業改革已進入攻堅階段,立足國有企業現狀,注重國有企業歷史,兼并已成為推動國有企業改革的一種非常重要的形式。

At first , this text introduces common conception of mergence simply , and it analyzes motivation of mergence about china and foreign enterprise , to be a comparative analysis 本文第一章對一些與并購相關的重要概念進行了界定。并詳細分析了國外與國內企業并購的動因,加以比較分析。

The mergence of universities is an inevitable trend in the development of socialist market economy and the mergence of school libraries is one of the most important matters 摘要高校合并適應社會主義市場經濟發展的必然趨勢,高校圖書館的合并是高校合并的重要內容之一。

The new tendency of transnational corporations ' fdi mainly includes tow forms : ( 1 ) transnational mergence is the major way for transnational corporations ' fdi 跨國并購對我國利用外資的影響也將逐漸加深。如何制定相應的對策,興利除弊,是本文探討的重要問題。

In section five the thesis talks about the present situation and problems lying in the mergence and puts forward some related counter - measures and suggestions to them 第五部分探析我國高校合并的現狀和存在的問題,并對這些問題提出了有關對策和建議。

In the mergence of public health and chinese traditional thinking the chinese society gradually regain the initiative 在公共衛生觀念與中國傳統相互交融的過程中,中國社會的角色開始是被動的,爾后逐步轉向積極主動。

The fourth one analyzes the mergence strategy , products , marketing strategy of media groups in the light of media management 第四章從媒介經營管理的角度具體分析了傳媒集團的并購戰略、產品方式和營銷戰略。

The mergence is a kind of breakthrough in the system reform of institutes of higher learning according to the system economics 第二部分主要根據體制創新理論和規模經濟理論對我國高校合并進行理論分析。

Mergence of reasonable and unreasonable choices in economic world from the angle of doubting the maximization of utility to understand some theoretical views 從質疑效用最大化角度對若干理論觀點的理解

In addition , m & a may active original resource of slow efficiency . at first , this text introduces common theory of mergence simply 本文首先解釋了并購的概念并簡要地介紹了并購的一般理論概述。

On the literary form ' mergence between the chinese ancient gong ' an stories and the chinese ancient verdict and their aesthetic character 論中國古代公案小說與古代判詞的文體融合及其美學品格

On the connection and mergence concerning dynamics theory of systematic change of marxism economics and new institutional economics 馬克思主義經濟學與新制度經濟學關于制度變遷動力論的融通

Enough investigation and demonstration must been made to merge according to proper to location with proper scale before mergence 合并前應作充分調研和論證,因地制宜,把握適度規模。