
merge vt.吞沒,吸收;使消失(在…中) (in; into)...


The steel trusts merged various small businesses 鋼鐵企業聯合兼并了許多小企業。

Approaches to accounting in merging enterprises 企業合并中會計處理基本方法的選擇

They decided to merge the two companies into one 他們決定把兩個公司合并成一個。

The resulting compiled , merged class derives from the 而最終經過編譯和合并的類從

Cumulative count of page merges above the leaf level 葉級以上頁合并的累積計數。

So let ' s talk about how merge branches works 所以我們來討論如何合并分支的工作。

For more information about merge replication , see 有關合并復制的詳細信息,請參閱

Can i merge shelved changes into a workspace 是否可以將擱置的更改合并到工作區?

If the undoing of the merge is successful ; otherwise , 如果合并操作撤消成功,則為

Executing business logic during merge synchronization 在合并同步期間執行業務邏輯

The steel trusts merged various small business 鋼鐵托拉斯聯合兼并了許多企業

Merge replication options relevant to this scenario 與此方案相關的合并復制選項

For the distribution agent and merge agent , see 對于分發代理和合并代理,請參閱

Royal merges with liverpool and london globe 皇家保險與利物浦倫敦環球保險合并。

The resulting merged page is rendered to the browser 瀏覽器中呈現得到的合并頁。

How merge replication detects and resolves conflicts 合并復制如何檢測和解決沖突

Number reduction and category merging of documents 文書種類的數量簡縮與同類合并

And represents a merge between the service provider of the 的實例,也可以是實現

Finish off by merging all the layers together 把所有的層都融合在一起就完成了。