
merely adv.單;只;純粹;全然。 merely a matt...


It 's merely hearsay . 那僅是謠傳罷了。

You need not flare up merely because i mentioned your work . 你大可不必因為我提到你的工作就動怒。

To get back one's youth, one has merely to repeat one's follies . 想恢復青春,只要重犯舊過就行。

Her wild behavior merely fanned the flames of his jealousy . 她那放肆的舉動把他的妒火完全煽起。

His supposed generosity is merely a form of self-interest . 他貌似慷慨,不過是變相的利己而已。

There remained for consideration merely the question of the explosive . 剩下來的是火藥問題。

I was merely joking . 我不過是開個玩笑而已。

Henry began to reveal himself as more than merely crude . 亨利開始暴露出他不僅僅是粗暴而已。

Men who were killed were merely men no longer around . 戰死了,也無非就是眼前少了這么個人。

In the adams's education were merely a lament for the past . 《亞當斯的教育》只在感傷過去。

This was merely amusing . 此僅為一種娛悅之舉。

The whole plan is based on merely his own supposition . 整個計劃只是建立在他的主觀臆斷上。

Like a good scientist, he merely gives the facts . 如同優秀的科學家一樣,他只描寫了事實。

They are merely passers-by on the stage of history . 他們不過是歷史舞臺上曇花一現的人物。

That is merely your viewpoint . 這只是你的看法。

The result was merely to confirm this earlier decision . 結果僅是認可原訂決議而已。

He merely said “ er “ and left . 他嗯了一聲,就走了。

The noise of the engagement merely silenced him . 訂婚的鼓噪只是使他沉默下來而已。

Those who attended the meeting merely prated about it . 參加會議的人只是胡扯一頓