
meredith n.梅雷迪思〔男子名〕。


He ' s followed by regis philbin ( $ 21 million ) ; tyra banks ( $ 18 million ) ; celebrity chef ray ( $ 16 million ) ; katie couric and ellen degeneres ( $ 15 million ) ; ryan seacrest ( $ 14 million ) ; matt lauer ( $ 13 million ) ; barbara walters and diane sawyer ( both $ 12 million ) ; and meredith vieira ( $ 10 million ) 位居其后的電視名人包括:里吉斯?菲利賓( 2100萬美元) ;泰拉?邦克斯( 1800萬美元) ;明星廚師雷伊( 1600萬美元) ;凱蒂?考利克和愛倫?德吉恩里斯( 1500萬美元) ;萊恩?希克萊斯特( 1400萬美元) ;麥特?勞爾( 1300萬美元) ;芭芭拉?沃爾特斯和黛安?索耶( 1200萬美元)和麥里蒂斯?維拉( 100萬美元) 。

They began to investigate the empirical evidence of non - linearity and its policy implications . laxton , meredith and rose ( 1994 ) , turner ( 1995 ) , clark , laxton and rose ( 1996 ) , debelle and laxton ( 1997 ) researched the one form of phillips curves ’ non - linearity ? convexity . basing on the above all researches , this paper discusses another form of non - linearity - - - the asymmetric price adjustment and the asymmetric phillips curves 第四章是本文的結論部分,對于非對稱的價格調整和非對稱的菲利普斯曲線的成因進行了分析,認為與菜單成本相聯系的粘性價格是導致非對稱性的主要原因,而價格調整的非對稱性和菲利普斯曲線的非對稱性是導致貨幣政策非對稱的一個重要因素。

The lowell - meredith company captured the collection of all his essays , and the maxmillian company got his “ sea lyrics “ and the “ love - cycle , “ the latter receiving serial publication in the ladies home companion after the payment of an extortionate price 海瑞迪思-羅威爾公司搶走了他的全部論文,馬克西米連公司得到了他的海上抒情詩和愛情組詩,后者還在女土家庭伴侶上連載,獲得了極優厚的稿酬。

Headed by mr guy meredith , the institute will invite distinguished visiting fellows as well as local academics and researchers to undertake research on issues relating to monetary and financial developments in hong kong and the region 兼商學院院長文偉錠先生將出任研究中心的主任。中心將邀請杰出的海外學者以及本地學術界人士和研究人員,就有關香港及亞洲區內貨幣及金融發展等問題進行研究。

From 1990 to 1997 he held senior positions in the international monetary fund ( imf ) , specialising in research into the economies of the asian region , including hong kong . mr meredith left the hkma in december 2000 to return to the imf 在1990年至1997年期間,文偉錠先生在國際貨幣基金組織(基金組織)先后出任多個高層職位,專門負責香港等亞洲市場的經濟研究。

Appointment of mr guy meredith as executive director of hkma the hong kong monetary authority announced today 16 november 1998 the appointment of mr guy meredith to the newly created position of executive director in charge of research matters 香港金融管理局金管局今日年月日宣布委任麥偉迪出任新設的助理總裁一職,負責掌管研究部事務。

The executive director research post has been vacant since 16 december 2000 , following mr guy meredith s return to the international monetary fund upon completing a two - year contract with the hkma 由于較早前出任經濟研究部助理總裁一職的文偉錠先生,已在結束與金管局兩年的雇用合約后返回國際貨幣基金組織工作,因此該職位自年月日起懸空。

“ overdue “ was rushed upon the market by the meredith - lowell company in the height of his popularity , and being fiction , in point of sales it made even a bigger strike than “ the shame of the sun . 在他紅極一時之際,梅瑞迪思-羅威爾公司迫不及待地把他的過期推上了市場。由于是小說,它在銷售量上取得了比太陽的批辱更大的成功。

A judge is denying bond for the 61 - year - old man accused of kidnapping missing hiker meredith hope emerson . meantime , authorities continue to search for her in the north georgia mountains 一名審判員拒絕把這名61歲的男子與徒步旅行者愛默生失蹤案中所犯的綁架罪聯系起來。其間,有關人士繼續在喬治亞州北部的山中搜尋這名女子。

A judge is denying bond for the 61 - year - old man accused of kidnapping missing hiker meredith hope emerson . meantime , authorities continue to search for her in the north georgia mountains 法官宣布了被指控誘拐了失蹤的徒步旅行者梅雷迪思霍普埃默生的一個61歲的老人無罪,因此警方也只能繼續在喬治亞州北部的山區尋找她。

Then he divined the cause of her agitation and handed her the meredith - lowell letter which had accompanied the check . she stumbled through it , pausing now and again to wipe her eyes , and when she had finished , said : - 馬丁一時很覺莫名其妙,然后明白了她難過的原因,便把梅瑞迪思一羅威爾公司防支票寄來的信遞給了她。

“ the appointment of mr meredith will greatly strengthen our capabilities at this time of rapid economic change throughout the region , “ said mr joseph yam , chief executive of the hkma 金管局總裁任志剛表示:目前整個亞洲地區正經歷急劇的經濟變化,麥偉迪的加入將可大大增強我們的實力。

Mr meredith has held senior positions with the international monetary fund since 1990 , specialising in research into the economies of the asian region including hong kong 麥偉迪自年起擔任過國際貨幣基金組織多個高層職位,專門負責亞洲經濟體系的研究工作,范圍包括香港。

Meredith , in charge of animal recreation , says that if dogs “ are aggressive or play too rough , we give them a time out in a cage “ for 15 minutes 寵物娛樂的負責人梅雷迪思說,如果它們“不聽話或撒野,我們會就它們在籠子里呆上15分鐘。

Meredith in charge of animal recreation says that if dogs “ are aggressive or play too rough we give them a time out in a cage “ for 15 minutes 寵物娛樂的負責人梅雷迪思說,如果它們“不聽話或撒野,我們會就它們在籠子里呆上15分鐘。

Instead , for 1943 , we have meredith frampton ' s remarkable painting of the london civil defense control room in south kensington 不過,代表1943年參展的倒是梅雷迪思?弗蘭普頓的杰作? ? 《位于南肯辛頓的倫敦民防指揮部》 。

Mr meredith joined the hkma as executive director ( research ) in 1998 . he was in charge of economic research and market research 文偉錠先生于1998年加入金管局為經濟研究部助理總裁,負責經濟研究及市場研究事務。

In 1962 , black student james meredith succeeded on his fourth try in registering for classes at the university of mississippi 1962年的今天,黑人學生詹姆斯.梅雷迪思在密西西比州大學的第四次系統寄存器實驗成功。

His first story was accepted two years later , but upon the advice of george meredith he decided not to publish it 兩年后,他的第一篇短篇小說雖被采納,但在喬治?梅雷迪斯的勸導下,他決定不發表。