
mere adj.1.單單的,只,不過。2.全然的;純粹的。短語和...


How much would be implied by the mere mention of his name ! 單單提到他的名字,就會牽涉到多大的問題呀!

It is a mere coincidence that they see eye to eye on this point . 他們在這一點上見解一致完全是巧合。

He had no estate neither, and this put me into a mere distraction . 他沒有財產,這使我只有感到失望。

That is mere talk . 那只不過是空論。

This agreement , if not implemented , is a mere scrap of paper . 這個協定如不執行只不過是一紙空文。

Such walls as in time may linger as a mere fable . 這類高墻到將來只會給后代當作閑話當年的資料罷了。

The ground is a mere sop . 地面濕透啦。

The other american funny men were not all mere farceurs . 美國其他說笑話的人并非都只是滑稽腳色。

That's mere sentiment . 這只是感情用事。

It is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions . 僅僅以外部環境解釋一切是不合理的。

He is not a mere lump of clay but a feeling creature . 他不僅具有血肉之軀而且是一個有感情的人。

That is the merest folly . 那真糊涂透了。

This soup is mere wash . 這湯淡得沒味兒。

That book is mere trash . 那本書毫無價值。

It was a mere nothing before repton took it in hand . 勒普頓沒經手改造之前,它原來算不得什么。

The mere thought of his bride moves pinkerton to raptures . 一想起新娘,平克頓不禁心花怒放。

It is mere tinsel . 它只不過是閃亮的裝飾品。

No historical phenomenon is a mere repetition of the past . 任何歷史現象都不會是簡單的重復。

He is a ( mere ) nothing . 他完全是一個廢物。