
mercy n.1.仁慈;憐憫;寬恕;恩惠。2.幸運;僥幸;〔美口〕...

mercy killing

They flung themselves down upon the ground and wept, imploring for mercy in a way that was dreadful to behold . 他們一齊倒在地上痛哭流涕。那哀告求饒的慘景簡直目不忍睹。

They believed in placing themselves entirely at the mercy of their good, kind liberal and tory masters . 他們相信不如聽任善良仁慈的自由黨和保守黨老爺們擺布倒更好一些。

Byron added, “we're at the mercy of these people, a.j. even more than you and me. “ 拜倫接著說:“我們都在這批人的掌握之中,埃倫杰斯特羅比你我更糟糕。”

From roof height, without fear of resistance, they blasted the city without mercy . 它們擦著屋頂飛過,不怕遇到抵抗,殘酷無情地炸毀了這個城市。

They always swayed when they chanted the respondence: “lord, have mercy on us. “ 當他們念到“主啊,憐憫我們”的時候,總覺得渾身都動蕩起來。

Any company that makes only small cars is at the mercy of fluctuating gas prices . 任何只是制造小型汽車的公司都受制于石油價格波動的影響。

It seemed to him that unquestionably there must be mercy for someone so unformed . 他覺得象這樣一個還沒有成形的孩子肯定會得到主的慈悲的。

If you export nothing but raw materials, you're at the mercy of world prices . 要是你除了原料,什么都不出口,你就只能任憑世界行市來擺布。

But when the trial comes up we'll change it to a plea of guilty and ask for mercy . 但是正式開庭以后,我們就改為認罪答辯,請求從寬發落。

And then this pretended mercy to the slaves is such a disappointment to the poor people . 再說,對奴隸這種表面的憐憫也使窮人大失所望。

Master blifil fell very short of his companion in the amiable quality of mercy . 論起仁慈這種可愛的品德,布利非少爺遠遠不及他的同伴。

So pitifully did she plead that the baron grew calm and decided to have mercy on her . 她悲戚地哀求著,男爵冷靜下來了,決定繞了她。

One's happiness must in some measure be always at the mercy of chance . 一個人的快樂往往在某種程度上就是聽從機會擺布的了。

It may be cold , but it is not raining -- let 's be thankful for small mercies . 盡管天氣很冷,但沒有下雨應該知足了。

God has considered the sons of men, to open for them the road to his mercy . 上帝一直顧惜他的子民,給他們開仁慈之路。

One's happiness must in some measure be always at the mercy of chance . 一個人的福禍得失在某種程度上總得由機遇擺布。

There is one great mercy that has come out of all today's misery, 在今天的整個悲劇性的事件中,我終于得到了一大好處。

He proceeded to deal forth his scraps of legal knowledge without mercy . 他開始毫不留情地販賣殘缺不全的法律知識。

He must show his almighty hand-his never-failing mercy . 他必須把他全能的手顯示出來,顯示他那從不叫人失望的仁慈。