
mercury n.1.【化學】汞,水銀。2.水銀柱;水銀劑;溫度表;晴...

mercury air pump

Cv - afs determination of mercury in cosmetics 冷原子熒光光譜法測定化妝品中汞

Mercury worldwide shoes , which is actually phil 水星國際鞋業具有鮮明的“菲爾“風格

The mercury hovered around 35 celsius degree 水銀溫度計停留在攝氏35度左右。

Effect of mercury on renal function in exposure workers 汞作業工人腎功能指標的觀察

Methods for determination of mercury in stack gas 煙道氣體中汞含量的測定方法

Improvement of hair - mercury analysis with colorimeter 比色管消解測定發汞方法的改進

The mercury in thermometer mounted up [ rose ] to 35 溫度計的水銀柱升到攝氏35度。

The mercury indicated 37 in the shade 溫度計的水銀柱表明在陰處溫度為攝氏37度。

Stars shine - 2006 transit of mercury - live webcast 觀星樂2006年水星凌日網上直播

Marine ballasts for high pressure mercury vapour lamp 船舶用高壓汞蒸氣燈鎮流器

Survey on mercury damages in a medical instrument factory 某醫用儀表廠汞危害調查

Yellow sweat disease and toxicosis of lead , mercury and arsenic 黃汗與鉛汞砷中毒

No mercury granules deposited in the hepatopancreas 肝胰臟細胞內未發現汞顆粒。

She is best known by the name sailor mercury 她最為人所熟悉的名字是水兵水星。

Verification regulation of double tube mercury barometer 雙管水銀壓力表檢定規程

The dark mercury the castle is looking for him 淺黑水銀都柏林堡正在搜索他呢。

Specifications for the moving cistern mercury barometer 動槽水銀氣壓表技術條件

Correlations between mercury and selenium in organisms 生物體內汞與硒的相互作用

Liver damage by acute mercury poisoning - a case report 急性汞中毒肝臟損害1例報告