
mercurial adj.1.〔M-〕墨丘利 (Mercury) 神的;【...


Abstract : the method of using formaldehyde buffer solution a b sorption - hydrochloric pararosaniline spectrophotometry to determine sulfur diox ide in air has higher sensitivity and good selectivity , and prevents from adoptin g mercurial absorbent . but the conditions in lab are not well controlled , the v alue of reagent blank and standard curvilinear slope can ' t accord with the one s tipulated in “ methods for air and waste gas monitoring and analysis ” . some opra tional techniques for so2 determination in lab are introduced for reference 文摘:以甲醛緩沖溶液吸收-鹽酸副玫瑰苯胺分光光度法測定空氣中的二氧化硫,方法靈敏度高,選擇性好,避免了使用含汞的吸收液,但如果實驗條件控制不好,試劑空白值及標準曲線的斜率就會不符合《空氣和廢氣監測分析方法》中規定的值,本文著重從操作技巧方面對二氣化硫測定的實驗室質量控制進行分析,僅供參考。

Conscious that the human organism , normally capable of sustaining an atmospheric pressure of 19 tons , when elevated to a considerable altitude in the terrestrial atmosphere suffered with arithmetical progression of intensity , according as the line of demarcation between troposphere and stratosphere was approximated , from nasal hemorrhage , impeded respiration and vertigo , when proposing this problem for solution he had conjectured as a working hypothesis which could not be proved impossible that a more adaptable and differently anatomically constructed race of beings might subsist otherwise under martian , mercurial , veneral , jovian , saturnian , neptunian or uranian sufficient and equivalent conditions , though an apogean humanity of beings created in varying forms with finite differences resulting similar to the whole and to one another would probably there as here remain inalterably and inalienably attached to vanities , to vanities of vanities and all that is vanity 人體組織通常能夠抗得住十九噸的氣壓169 ,可是一旦在地球的大氣層里上升到相當的高度,越是接近對流層與平流層的境界線,鼻孔出血吸呼困難以及眩暈,隨著算術級數就越發嚴重起來。他曉得這一點,尋求解答時就設想出這樣一個難以證明是不可能的行之有效的假定:倘若換個更富于適應性,解剖學上的構造也有所不同的種族,說不定就能在火星水星金星木星土星海王星或天王星那充足而相同的條件下生存下來。然而那個遠地點170的人類種族,盡管在構造方面與地球上的人類有著一定限度的不同之處,整個來說彼此卻有著相似的種種形態。

A student at the music conservatory , she is recommended for a position at a venerated publisher , and , in a fortuitous turn of events , orchestrates an opportunity to work beside the greatest , most mercurial artist alive - ludwig van beethoven ( ed harris ) 在抄寫的過程中,安娜嘗盡了苦頭,貝多芬猶如一頭野獸,自我又不受控制,但同時又被大師的才情深深吸引。

“ i do n ' t really understand why they are charging me with criminal trespass , as i did n ' t even climb , “ robert said before ascending the 400 - foot mercurial tower in the suburb of bagnolet 在攀登這幢位于bagnolet郊區高達400英尺的大樓之前,他說: “我實在是不理解他們為什么還以侵入罪指控我。因為那時我并沒有爬樓。 ”

Thucydides , himself an athenian general who was sacked for his alleged failures at the battle of amphipolis , judged the athenians to be rash and mercurial after the death of pericles 修昔底德自己作為一名雅典的將軍,聲稱由于在安菲玻里戰役中敗北而被解職,他認為在伯里克利死后,雅典人變得莽撞而狡詐善變。

Knowing full well public support could be mercurial and may dissipate at the slightest hint of inertia or inefficiency , the icac has since 1977 commissioned regular surveys to gauge the public mood 盡管調查中有九成多的被訪公司認同誠信管理的好處,但只有七成五的公司表示有推行誠信管理措施。

Main products : bedsore prevention mattress , vertebra rebractor , mercurial sphygmomanometer , stethoscopes , oxygen regulator , effective nebulizer , health care case , forehead lens , etc . 主要產品:防褥瘡床墊頸椎牽引器血壓計表聽診器氧氣吸入器霧化器保健箱額鏡出診箱等產品。

United legend charlton feels the mercurial wide man is not fazed by the terrace taunts and is delighted with the portugal international ' s recent improvement 曼聯傳奇巨星查爾頓認為這位情緒不穩定的球員并沒有受到無休止的辱罵的影響,他為這位葡萄牙球星最近的進步感到高興。

Always remember that weather markets are mercurial , extreme in price fluctuations , and very difficult to master . forecasts of weather beyond a few days are not reliable 始終記住,氣候市場是變幻無常,價格變動劇烈,極難把握的市場。幾天之外的天氣預報就不可靠。

Always remember that weather markets are mercurial , extreme in price fluctuations , and very difficult to master . forecasts of weather beyond a few days are not reliable 終始記住,氣候市場是變幻無常,價格變動劇烈,極難。場市的握把幾天之外的天氣預報就不可靠。

Always remember that weather markets are mercurial , extreme in price fluctuatio , and very difficult to master . forecasts of weather beyond a few days are not reliable 始終記住,氣候市場是變幻無常,價格變動劇烈,極難把握的市場。幾天之外的天氣預報就不可靠。

Not a good place for a boss who refuses to remove the “ interim “ prefix from his ceo title . style : at apple , jobs is a mercurial micromanager - some say nanomanager 管理風格:在apple公司,喬伯斯是一位機智善變的微軟經理-也有人說他是非線性方面的經理。

Whatever the mercurial lakers superstar desires , this much is known ? for better or for worse , his days in los angeles are numbered 不論科比有多么能言善辯,這位湖人超級明星心里所想是眾所周知的,無論如何,他在洛杉磯的日子已經屈指可數。

A darkness who was ancient even in the early days of the world ' s existence , mercurial is the embodiment of rage and vengeance in the souls of those long dead 她誕生于比世界成型前更古老的黑暗,麥丘利是那些長眠者的狂怒與復仇意念的化身。

Whenever an allied unit near mercurial dies , it releases an energy to damage its enemies as its last act of vengeance . 1000 aoe 可以通過使用“復仇道標”將附近所有單位死亡后的復仇傷害集中至一個敵方英雄身上,持續30秒。

Their mercurial personalities , coupled with their creativity , are often linked to their ancestral ties with the fae folk 他們這樣雙重的個性再加上他們出眾的創造力,經常會讓人認為他們的血脈和妖精有關。

They are a secretive and mercurial folk who seek only to preserve the continued safety of the forest in which they dwell 這是一個隱秘而活潑的種族,他們的追求僅僅是維護自己森林王國的長治久安。

Should they be missing again , wright - phillips will be around to race at defenders in the same mercurial fashion 一旦他們再度受傷,賴特菲利浦斯會以相同多變靈活的風格同防守隊員在邊路展開追逐。

Wealth and power can be fleeting , family bonds tenuous , status mercurial 財富權力轉眼成空,家庭關系淡薄如紙,名望地位飄忽不定。