
merciless adj.冷酷無情的,狠心的,殘忍的。 merciless...


However , no one can take away my treasure in heaven , no thief can ever steal it , and no tooth of time can ever leave its gnawing traces on it by its merciless action 但是沒有人能拿走我在天堂的寶藏,沒有小偷能將它偷走,無情的時間也無法在上面留下痕跡。

I have written to the duke asking for money , for i have none , and my creditors have returned brandishing their accounts with merciless persistence 我已寫信給公爵問他要錢,因為我已經沒有錢了,而債主們都來了,他們一點同情心也沒有,帶著借據逼我還帳。

“ you misunderstand your father . it is not he who is vicious , sinister and merciless , but some people in purgatory . he is the god takes us to heaven . “你誤解了你的父親,狠毒,陰險,無情的不是他,而是煉獄中的一些人;他是引領我們通往天堂的神。 ”

From the primitive society to the contemporary world , all their ideals , no matter how beautiful and persuasive they had been , perished in the merciless wars 從原始社會到當代世界,他們的所有理想,不論多么美妙和誘人,都在殘酷的戰爭中消失了。

Many nations and many families have lived in the shadow of terrorism for decades , and during years of mindless and merciless killing 數十年來,很多國家和無數的家庭生活在陰云籠罩的恐怖主義環境下,經歷了受到肆無忌憚的殘忍殺戮的漫長歲月。

During the second and third wars , the people of azeroth learned to fear these merciless , unholy warriors and their terrifying runeblades 在第二次和第三次戰爭中,艾澤拉斯的人民就已經領教了那些殘忍、邪惡的戰士和他們令人生畏的符文之劍。

Karon , leia and behr , the merciless killers , are hired by the conservative party and the reform party to root each other out 在他們勢力之間的斗爭中,站在最前線的是karon leia behr他們是韓國藉的殺手,從小在殺手集訓營里長大。

The top ranked team of each battlegroup for each format will receive a new unique title for the end of season 2 called “ merciless gladiator ” 各個服務器組排名頂尖的團隊在第二季結束會獲得獨一無二的稱號: ”殘忍角斗士“ 。

During the second and third wars , the people of azeroth learned to fear these merciless , unholy opponents and their terrifying powers 在第二次和第三次戰爭中,艾澤拉斯的人們已經領教過了他們兇殘、邪惡而且令人畏懼的力量。

However , to die in such a way seems cruel to the extreme and the overriding impression left is of a merciless , greedy jess 但是,這樣的死法卻似乎是殘忍到了極點,而小說給人留下的最深印象就是那個無情、貪婪的杰斯了。

This young black kid , i m mercenary , merciless murderin mega some niggas so who s first to diss they say i m bad so you ll find none worst than this 你也酗黎漲b我心時常也有眼瓷@你只看見是我的假裝無一點創傷

We will not have to suffer the snagged hair , the jabbing fingernail , the merciless motion of swollen flesh within the ungreased receptacle 我們將不再遭受篷篷亂發、帶刺指甲以及腫肉在脫脂容器內殘忍運動的痛苦。

I never blame failures - - there are too many complicated situations in life , but i am absolutely merciless toward lack of effort 我從不責備失敗- -在生活中繽紛復雜的情況太多了,但對于不肯努力,我卻毫無憐憫。

The tribe ' s elders are renowned as cunning and merciless , but they are known for arrogance and ambition just as well 部族的長老以狡詐和殘忍聞名于世,但他們也同樣因為自命不凡與野心勃勃而知名。

For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy ; mercy triumphs over judgment 雅2 : 13因為那不憐憫人的、也要受無憐憫的審判憐憫原是向審判夸勝。

28 when it was light enough johnsy , the merciless , commanded that the shade be raised 等天色亮起,冷酷無情的約翰西命令將窗簾拉起。

When it was light enough johnsy , the merciless , commanded that the shade be raised 天剛蒙蒙亮,瓊西就毫不留情地吩咐拉起窗簾來。

When it was light enough johnsy , the merciless , commanded that the shade be raised 當天已大亮,忍心的瓊熙仍然命令把窗簾拉下。

The father is so merciless just to send only one son and only one time 上帝會那么不慈悲嗎?只送?一個兒子來,而且就那么一次?