
merchant n.1.商人;〔英國〕批發商;(尤指)貿易商。2.〔美國...


When profit diminishes, merchants are very apt to complain that trade decays; though the diminution of profit is the natural effect of its prosperity . 當利潤減少時,商人們往往都埋怨說,商業衰退了,可是利潤減少乃是商業繁盛的自然結果。

Thus, upon equal or nearly equal profits, every wholesale merchant naturally prefers the home-trade to the foreign trade of consumption . 所以,如果利潤均等或幾乎均等,每一個批發商人就都自然寧愿經營國內貿易而不愿經營消費品的國外貿易。

As the industrialists looked about for new worlds to win, they, together with the eastern merchants and bankers, turned to the settling west . 因為工業家要尋找新世界去加以征服,所以他們和東部的商人和銀行家攜手,而轉向開發中的西部。

He met a friend who told him the peril an old merchant of syrance was in, and advised him to pass for a merchant of epidamunum . 他碰上了個朋友,那個人告訴他說,一個從敘拉古來的老商人遇到了危險,勸他還是冒充作厄匹達姆紐姆的商人。

Secretary stimson urged roosevelt to order the navy to convoy british and allied merchant ships all the way from american to british ports . 史汀生部長力促羅斯福下令海軍對英國與盟國船隊從美國港口到英國港口進行全程護航。

I bet you anything you like that if they boot you out of here, some spouting hot-air merchants will take over . 我可以打賭,你愿意賭什么都行,如果他們把你從這里趕走,一些暴發的,善于吹牛的生意人就會接過權力。

The rising merchant class replaced the landed groups, buying their agricultural holdings and making them efficient and profitable . 新興的商人階級取代了地主集團,他們買下了地主的田地,并因經營得法而大獲其利。

That message also sharply protested an attack by isreali torpedo boats on a soviet merchant ship in a syrian harbor . 這封信還對以色列魚雷艇對敘利亞港口中的一般蘇聯商船進行攻擊提出尖銳的抗議。

The high price of exchange too would naturally dispose the merchants to endeavour to make their exports nearly balance their imports . 匯兌的高價,也自然會使商人努力平衡他們的輸出和輸入。

However, the american reinforcement of destroyers turned the tide in july, and convoys for merchant ships were begun . 然而,美國驅逐艦增援在7月間改變了這種情況,開始了對商船的護衛。

An implied warranty that the goods are merchantable is imposed only on a merchant who deals in the kind of goods sold . 默示的商品可銷售性擔保僅僅適用于經營所售商品的商人。

The wealthy merchant and shipowner were more interested in the solvency than in the religious zeal of their clients . 富商和船主關心的是主顧的償付能力而不是他們的宗教熱忱。

The whole capital of a merchant frequently consists in perishable goods destined for purchasing money . 商人的全部資本,往往由容易損壞的、預定用來購買貨幣的貨物構成。

Therefore there was great enmity between this covetous jew and the generous merchant antonio . 因此,這個貪婪的猶太人就跟慷慨的商人安東尼奧結下了很深的仇恨。

Antonio , a merchant in venice , was liked by everyone because he was always ready to help others . 威尼斯商人安東尼奧是大家所喜歡的人,因為他總是樂于助人。

Three merchant officers from the convoy in the harbor came into view, walking up from the quay . 從停泊在港口的一只商船隊里走下3個高級船員,沿碼頭踱了過來。

The speculative merchant exercises no one regular, established, or well-known branch of business . 投機商人,并不是經營正常的、確定的和為人所周知的業務。

A daughter of a laborer was in much the same social position as a daughter of a farmer or a merchant . 工人的女兒和農民或商人的女兒,社會地位完全相同。

Together with their colonial masters, they became an elite group of merchants and entrepreneurs . 他們和殖民主義主子們一道成為工商業界的上層集團。