
mercenary adj.圖利的,為了金錢工作的;被雇傭的。 mercen...


I heard some of the mercenaries busted a slaving ring from the kryptgarden 我聽說有一些雇傭軍搗毀了克瑞普花園的奴隸鏈!

Target confirmed : nakatomi conglomerate mercenaries . destroy the intruders 目標確認:是中臣財團的雇傭兵,消滅入侵者。

Did you hear ? the mercenaries killed some of the kryptgarden bandits 你聽說了嗎?那些雇傭軍殺死了克瑞普花園的強盜!

Don t think me mercenary 不要以為我貪財。

Mercenaries from the coast .海上的雇傭軍艦隊

Tavern mercenaries refresh every 48 hours instead of 72 hours 酒館的雇傭兵每48小時刷新一次,替代以前的72小時。

To fight as mercenaries , 讓他們作為雇傭軍去打仗

Identity confirmed : shinobi mercenaries employed by the nakatomi conglomerate 身份確認:中臣財團的忍者雇傭兵。

Audio feedback is delivered when mercenaries are receiving commands 雇傭兵/工人接受到指令時候會有聲音的反應。

There are mercenaries , but they will not be controlled by the player 答:會有傭兵,但是傭兵們不能被玩家控制。

Only smart choice for the mercenaries is to back the reds 對于雇傭軍來說只有回歸到紅袍之下才是最明智的選擇!

She ' s protected by a loyal band of mercenaries , led by this man . . 她受一群死忠傭兵的嚴密保護帶頭家伙是. .

Suspected chechnyan mercenaries 被懷疑是車臣雇傭兵

Well , the last mercenaries finally arrived . what do you want 看來,最后的雇傭軍們也到了,你想要知道什么?

Will the mercenaries ' skills / abilities change with the patch 唯利是圖的能力和技能會在這個補丁中改變嗎?

I wouldn ' t put it so . i am a paid mercenary - not a killer 我不這么以為,我是一名雇傭軍? ?不是什么殺手。

She ' s protected by a loyal band of mercenaries , led by this man 她受一群死忠傭兵的嚴密保護帶頭家伙是

You ' re a mercenary ninja ? onewho ' d do anything for money 你是一個唯利是圖的忍者嗎?所作所為都是為了錢

I should be sorry to think our friend mercenary . 我可不愿意把我們的朋友看作是一個見不得錢的人啊。 ”