
mercedes n.默西迪絲〔女子名〕。


I am amazed to see a beggar step into a shiny mercedes 看到一個乞丐跨進一輛閃亮的奔馳轎車我驚愕不已。

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Applicable : all mercedes models 適合用于:差不多全車系。

The mercedes kept pulling up next to him , screaming , waving a gun 奔馳車一直追著他,大喊大叫揮著手槍

Internal affairs called . found something in the mercedes 內務部來電話了在那奔馳車里發現了一些東西

And mercedes and his father could have joined him there 至于曼莉瓊絲和他父親也可以到那里和他團圓。

My old mercedes never gets used , 我那輛老式mercedes從沒用過,

Car : violet mercedes benz e class 私家車: e級紫羅蘭色進口奔馳

Mercedes is a taxi dancer who wants to be an actress 馬絲蒂是個出租車司機,但她整天想當上女演員。

Or at least that ' s what they ' re passing off as a mercedes these days 又或許這就是現在他們所追求的

Probably converted them into a mercedes 沒準都變成奔馳轎車了

Who ' s that guy in the mercedes benz 坐在奔馳里的那個家伙是誰

I have two new cars and a tab at the mercedes dealership 我有兩輛新車還是有默西迪絲經銷簽證的

Mercedes , don ' t worry . leave her alone 莫莎迪絲,別擔心讓她去

Her mind is tiffany - twisted , she got the mercedes bends 她的心?珠寶所扭曲,她擁有豪華賓士車。

That ' s so funny . i just got a new mercedes 真好玩我剛買了輛奔馳

His keys say the padre drove a mercedes 鑰匙表明神父開的是奔馳車

Mercedes - benz truck center settle in hangzhou 奔馳卡車中心落戶杭州

Cooling system tester mercedes benz bmw 寶馬全車系雨刷臂拔開工具