
mercantilism n.1.重商主義。2.商人性格;商業本位;商業理論[活動...


From chapter 2 to 4 , the author tries to reveal the development , formation and change of yosidasigeiru “ s diplomatic thinking toward china through an examination of three activities which he participated . specifically , the second chapter examines yosidasigeiru “ s participation in the proposal , operation and outcome of the management strategies of yalujiang lumbering company from which we can see his emphasis on mercantilism in his early diplomatic rel 在實證性考察的基礎上,在本文的終章里,將分析吉田茂早期對華外交思想的基本特征,理清它的特征的關系,歷史意義,以及影響,揭示其思想內涵,并廓清吉田茂早期對華外交思想的全貌,探索它對吉田茂戰后外交思想形成的影響。

This paper traced back the history of the theories of state intervention from the mercantilism , the bud of the theory of state intervention , to the classical economics , the dormant age of the theory of state intervention , to the developed modern theory of state intervention finally 國家干預主義既是一種系統的理論體系,又是建立在某個系統理論基礎上的一系列政策主張。國家干預的思想由來已久,自國家誕生之日,國家就被賦予了管理經濟的職能。國家對經濟的管理和干預一開始并沒有受到質疑。

By statistical and logical analysis , t his article confirms that the growth of china ' s export , the large - scale of china ' s trade surplus and the expansion of china ' s foreign exchange reserve can not testify the view of “ china pursues mercantilism “ 摘要通過運用統計的和邏輯的分析方法可證明中國的出口增長、貿易順差增加和外匯儲備擴張都不能說明中國在“追求重商主義” 。

Nowadays , dumping and antidumping that derived from mercantilism period are becoming more and more popular in the fiercely competitive international market . moreover , china is the biggest victim involved in improper use of antidumping 發端于重商主義時期的傾銷與反傾銷,在競爭異常激烈的當代國際市場已成泛濫之勢,而中國卻成為了濫用反傾銷的最大受害者。

You know from dealings with china that its approach to the international trading system has historically suffered from arbitrariness , playing favorites , and mercantilism , reflecting the rule of men rather than of law 你們在與中國打交道中了解到,中國過去與國際貿易體系打交道的方式一向受到主觀隨意、厚此薄彼和營利主義的影響,反映了人治,而不是法治。

At least so the argument goes , especially among [ color = red ] radical types [ / color ] who are inclined to [ color = red ] write off [ / color ] america ' s whole strategy in the region as one of mercantilism backed by bombs 但至少爭論還在繼續,特別是在某些比較激進的言論中,美國在伊拉克地區的整體戰略被看作是一個由炸彈支持的商業主義,他們傾向于把它一筆勾消。

Hence , other than the beneficial results of this industry , we conventionally cared more about its social significance on public welfare . but its mercantilism should not be neglected 殯葬服務是特殊的公共服務,人們關注更多的是它的社會公益性和社會效益,但在市場經濟日益完善的今天,我們不能忽視它的商業性和經濟效益。

At least so the argument goes , especially among radical types who are inclined to write off america ' s whole strategy in the region as one of mercantilism backed by bombs 但至少爭論還在繼續,特別是在某些比較激進的言論中,美國在伊拉克地區的整體戰略被看作是一個由炸彈支持的商業主義,他們傾向于把它一筆勾消。

In the field of macro - economy , owing to the territorial unification of yuan and the mercantilism pursued by the central government , the commercial economy in southeast china came to a climax 就宏觀經濟發展而言,元朝的大統一與重商政策的推行,使東南地區迎來了商業經濟發展的一個黃金時期。

China has been more open than many developing countries , but there are increasing signs of mercantilism , with policies that seek to direct markets rather than opening them 中國已經比其他發展中國家更開放,但重商主義的跡象日漸明顯,某些政策試圖指導市場而不是開放市場。

As contemporary public economy theory was founded , some consider that the modem society has been a new mercantilism era , and believe that “ mercantilism is still alive “ 隨著當代公共經濟學理論的建立,有人認為現代社會已進入新的重商主義時代,并認為“重商主義仍活著” 。

Mercantilism was an ideological theory on politics and economy and a policy system before classical plutonomy , whose golden age was the era from 16 ( superscript th ) to 18 ( superscript th ) century 摘要重商主義是古典政治經濟學前的一種政治經濟思想理論和政策體系。

Mercantilism , whose development had a great influence on neoteric commercial law ' s forming and developing , got great achievements in many european countries 重商主義在歐洲許多國家取得很好的成效,其發展對近代商法的產生和發展產生了重大的影響。

But the forces now at work in the world economy - the huge us twin deficits and asian mercantilism - make their wishes irrelevant 但是在當今世界經濟中起作用的是美國的雙重赤字和亞洲的重商主義,這使歐洲人的愿望無法實現。

With the abandonment of mercantilism and the grant of oversea state trading monopolies , paternalism gave way to private enterprise 參考譯文:放棄重商主義,賦予海外貿易的國家壟斷權,家長式的管理便讓位給了私人企業。

In the long period from 1500 to 1800 , western european nation - states were all influenced by a set of ideas known as mercantilism 在1500至1800年這段漫長時期,西歐國家均受到被稱為重商主義的一系列思想觀念的影響。

In effect , it is a “ new mercantilism “ to attempt to clear up trade deficits and exercise trade protectionism 實質上,以消除貿易逆差為目標,實施貿易保護主義,才是真正的“新重商主義” 。

The mercantilism of ye shi 析葉適的重商思想

On mercantilism during the reign of emperor qianlong and merchant social activities 乾隆惠商政策及商人社會活動