
meno adv.〔意大利語〕【音樂】更少,較少。

meno mosso

Although the two were tied on three goals and one assist each , it was crespo who took the silver having spent just 305 minutes on the pitch compared with 409 for o fen ? meno 雖然兩人的進球總數都是三個,助攻次數也都是一次,但克雷斯波因上場時間只有305分鐘而排名第二,綽號為外星人的羅納爾多上場時間則為409分鐘,因此名列第三位。

Consequently , it can in fact happen that someone ? meno , and especially anytos ? who is attached to customs which people live by feels himself threatened in the face of epistemological investigation 結果,發生一個現象,那些信奉風俗習慣為生活準則的人,一但面臨認識論的質疑時,會覺得自己飽受威脅。

X ) packing list / weight meno in 5 copies indicating quantity / gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the l / c 裝箱單一式五份,注明數量/每件包裝的毛重和凈重,以及信用證要求的包裝條件。

Packing list / weight meno in 5 copies indicating quantity / gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions as called for by the l / c 裝箱單一式五份,注明數量/每件包裝的毛重和凈重,以及信用證要求的包裝條件。