
mend vt.1.修補,修理;織補,縫補。2.改正,糾正;改進,...


Over her shoulders was thrown a much - mended wrap 她的肩上搭著一件補了多次的圍巾。

She mended the holes in the knees of his trousers 她把他褲子膝部的洞眼縫補好了。

The worker offered to mend the window for us 那種人主動提出要幫我們修理窗戶

And proudly recom mend that leland van lew . . 也要榮幸地提議利蘭?范?盧先生. .

My clothes are worn out and i have to mend them 我的衣服穿破了,我得補一下。

What breaks in a moment may take years to mend 瞬間的破裂需要幾年的時間去修補。

The repair man have come to mend the photocopier 修理工已經來修理這臺影印了。

But the world trade center can never be mended 但是,世貿中心永遠不可能修復了。

A mended method on black - scholes option pricing model 期權定價模型的一種改進方法

Bonus healing gear will no longer effect mend pet 醫療裝現在不能影響寵物治療。

“ thank you - but i always mend my own . “謝謝你的好意,我一向都是自己修理。 ”

“ thank you - - but i always mend my own . “謝謝你的好意,我一向都是自己修理。 ”

She ' s been very unwell , but she ' s on the mend now 她原來病得很重,現在正在康復

Ivar was sitting at a cobbler's bench in the barn, mending harness by the light of a lantern and repeating to himself the 101st pwalm . 埃法爾坐在谷倉里的一條補鞋匠的長凳上,在一盞馬燈旁一邊修理挽具,一邊背誦著圣經第一百零一首贊美詩。

I agree there should be changes, but predict our masters will kick and scream against them until forced at pistol-point to mend their ways . 我同意應當改變現狀,但料想我們的主子會又踢又鬧地加以反對,直到在槍口的逼迫下改變他們的作法。

Money and fine clothes could not mend these defects or cover them up, they only made them the more glaring and the more pathetic . 金錢和漂亮衣服都不能彌補這些缺點,也不能把它們掩飾起來;反而使這些缺點更刺眼,更加叫人難過。

It would seem that he had successed indifferently well, for his exterior circumstances appeared, inconsequence of this event, to have been much mended . 從表面上看,他似乎小有成就,因為在那次事件以后、他的境況已大為改善。

Washes of all kinds i had a natural antipathy to; for i knew that, instead of mending the complexion, they spoiled it . 無論用什么膏子涂臉,我都討厭,因為我曉得膏子不獨不能補臉,反能害臉。

“you are a daring rascal, sir,“ said the magistrate, “and how dare you hope times are mended with you today? “ “你是個膽大包天的流氓,先生,”市政官說,“你膽敢認為今天會時來運轉?”