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memory bank 【自動化】存儲體,記憶體。

memory drum

The main results are as follows : aiming at simple genetic algorithm ’ s slow convergence and slow resolving power and so on , extended zooming genetic algorithms are brought forward , i . e . it keeps invariable string length , unceasingly leaves evolving information in decoding formula from individual string , and spare genes have function such as memory bank which is supplied with new genes for improving solution precision 取得的主要成果如下:針對基本遺傳算法收斂速度慢、解的分辨率過低等不足,提出了改進變焦遺傳算法,即在保持串長不變的條件下,不斷把經多次進化的信息從個體串中存放到解碼公式上,所空出的基因起著類似“內存條”的作用,為提高解的精度隨時納入新的基因。

Followed above , this dissertation has much content about the hardware design which include dsp , fpga , ddr sdram memory bank interface circuit , pci , power circuit , board - level interconnection design . this part puts much emphasis on key circuits many of which require us to have deeply known the components adopted and involved specifications 這部分主要是對電原理圖的重要地方和需要注意的地方進行重點闡述,包括dsp 、 fpga 、 ddrsdram內存條接口電路、 pci接口電路、電源、板級互連等部分。

We have come onto this planet to trigger your memory banks - to inspire the human race through the band of light so that you will begin to remember who you are , to create your own reality , and to alter the frequency on the planet and claim rightful ownership of yourselves and this territory 我們來到這個行星觸發你們的記憶庫-通過光帶啟發人類靈感,以便讓大家開始回憶起你是誰,來創造自己的實相,而改變這行星的頻率而主張你們自己公正的身份擁有你們自己這塊領土。

As we forgive and release and erase the experience from our memory banks , then the depression lifts and we can ascend into another set of genetics that was pure and prior to the blending of our two kingdoms ; this is what we are working upon at this time to create a separate consciousness for dolphins and whales as two individuated fully conscious species 當我們從我們的記憶儲藏池中寬恕、釋放、消除相關經歷時,沮喪就消失,則我們就可以提升進另一系列純粹的、早于我們兩個王國混和前的基因之中;這也就是我們此時所做的工作,來為海豚鯨魚作為兩個分離的全意識物種而創造分離的意識。

The machine - aided translation software provides the memory bank , and it can be said to be a huge clipboard and a high - speed input method ; however the translator is still responsible for choosing the content of the input 機器輔助翻譯軟件提供了記憶庫,可以說是巨大的剪貼板和快速的輸入工具,但對輸入內容的選擇,則仍然是翻譯者負責的事情。

A young man wakes up in a hotel room and is suffering from amnesia . as he searches his memory banks , he remembers a nightclub , lots of killing and cops giving chase 一覺醒來,發現自己身處不知名的酒店房間,腦海不時閃過離奇影像,一時是戴著呼吸罩的怪人,一時是一群全身蒼白的裸男列陣而過。

These three components are represented in a pseudo - rolodex that acts as one ' s memory bank . the rolodex contains a card for every individual currently active in the system 嘗試譯為:這三項要素是作為個人的記憶存儲以通訊簿來呈現。通訊簿包含了系統中近來活躍的每個用戶的卡片。

Rare events that might have an impact on an individual ' s survival or reproduction should have a special fast lane into the memory bank ? and they do 能夠影響個人生存與繁衍的突發事件由“專用快行道”直達記憶庫是理所應當的?事實也的確如此。

As the pain from such lifetimes surfaces , cathart the pain and intend to release and erase the experience from the genetic memory banks 當來自此生活時期的痛苦浮現時,疏通痛苦并意愿從基因記憶庫里釋放和抹去體驗。

Ddr sdram memory bank is used as the mass buffer in some applications . compact pci 6u board is adopted because of its reliability 本處理板中還加入了一個ddrsdram內存條,主要是考慮到實際應用中可能需要大容量緩存。

A “ real “ address , the value that must be placed on the system address bus to select a physical memory bank or device 物理地址:真實的地址,其值必須被置于系統地址總線中用于選擇物理存儲位置或者設備。

We speak not to your logical mind but to your memory banks , so that you can begin to remember participating in this story 我們不是說你的邏輯頭腦,而是你的記憶庫,因而你可以開始回憶起參與這個故事。

Initialize memory , which includes enabling memory banks , initializing memory configuration registers , and so on 初始化內存,包括啟用內存庫、初始化內存配置寄存器等

This is where within the memory banks of earth and humanity is a utopian time without struggle 在地球和人類的記憶庫內部,有一個不需要奮斗的烏托邦式時代。

Must i replace original memory bank set with a new one or add more memory modules 請問是要全新更換一個新內存,還是多插幾個內存條就可以了?

Memory bank select 記憶器組選擇

I ' d like to know where i can find the memory bank brand 我不知道我的電腦的內存是什么牌子的,從哪里可以查看呢?

A day i ' m certain peter colt wants to wipe from the memory banks 一個我相信彼得?柯爾特想從記憶中抹去的日子

Efficient utilization of scratch - pad memory banks 有效利用片上分塊存儲器