
memorize vt.1.記憶,暗記。2.〔罕用語〕記錄。3.【自動化】...


He memorized each word , each syllable 他能記得每一個字、每一音節。

Memorize words of english language by using mathematical methods 數學在英語單詞記憶中的應用

I wasn ' t sleeping . i ' m memorizing it right now 我還沒睡我正在記呢

Use “ vocabulary cards ” to help you memorize new words 使用“單詞卡”來幫助你記憶新單詞。

No , i didn ' t memorize the weekly sentence 不,我沒有背好每周一句。

Chinese students have to memorize millions of vocabulary 中國學生得要記住萬千上萬的單詞。

That ' s why i repeat things and memorize them everyday 所以我每天都要重復一些事才能記住它們

Didn ' t i tell you to memorize the numbers ? why didn ' t you ? huh 不是讓你把號碼都背下來嗎?

Did you memorize your lessons for tonight 你還記得今天晚課的內容嗎

You memorized that to get a date , right 你記住就為了約會時能用上嗎

B : no , i didn ' t memorize the weekly sentence 不,我沒有背好每周一句。

I memorized 50 words at one fling today 今天我一鼓作氣背了50個漢字。

Methods on how to memorize english words for college students 大學生記憶英語單詞方法初探

What the hell did you memorize ? your friends ' numbers 你記的是什么號碼?你朋友的號碼?

Cram your head with facts . memorize the newspaper 使勁多記點東西還有背一些報紙上的東西

He has need to memorize new english words daily 他每天需要記英語生字。

No actor can do a play without memorizing the lines 沒有一個演員是不記臺詞就能演戲的。

No actor can do a play without memorizing the lines 沒有一個演員能夠不記臺詞就演戲的。

He tried in vain to memorize the poem 他怎么背都沒辦法把那首詩背出來。