
memorial adj.紀念的;記憶的;追悼的。n.1.紀念物,紀念品;...

memorial day

Wong chi chung , lee ngan woon memorial scholarship 黃池仲、李銀煥紀念獎學金

He made an entry of the memorial events in his diary 他將可紀念的大事記入日記中。

It was sat by the saint of gambling , it ' s memorial 賭圣坐過,很有紀念價值的

Dr . lu chung - lin memorial scholarships 3 scholarships 呂鍾靈紀念獎學金(三名)

It ' s bethesda memorial . i tried calling you 她在貝斯達紀念醫院我試著打給你

I was walking past the memorial in franz josef street .我經過弗朗茨約瑟夫大街上

Memorial day honors those who died in military service 紀念那些戰死的軍人。

You ' ll get somebody to do your memorial service 等你死了就有人給你開追悼會了

Sir edward youde memorial outstanding apprentice awards 尤德爵士紀念基金優秀學徒獎

Bayi square , tengwang pavilion , bayi memorial museum 八一廣場藤王閣八一起義紀念館

Hku jessup mooting team wins top memorial prize 2006年巴克斯特獎baxter prize

Sir edward youde memorial awards for disabled students 尤德爵士紀念基金殘疾學生獎

The hospital , part of a 10 . 5 bali bombing memorial 東部亞利桑那傳訊者, az - 29分鐘前

Christian alliance p c lau memorial international school 宣道會劉平齋紀念國際學校

Po leung kuk li tsui chung sing memorial kindergarten - 保良局李徐松聲紀念幼稚園-

Faq buildings dr . sun memorial hall in macau : : :問答集建筑澳門國父紀念館:

Dr . c . t . yung memorial scholarships 2 scholarships 容啟東博士紀念獎學金(兩名)

Q17 . is there any introduction brochure of the memorial hall Q23 .是否有貴館簡介?

United college dr tse yuen man memorial scholarships 聯合書院謝婉雯醫生紀念獎學金