
memorabilia n.pl. (sing. -rabile ) 〔拉丁語〕...


Two diaries written by anna nicole smith have sold on online auction site ebay for more than 500 , 000 255 , 00 pounds to a german man planning to use them as the basis of a book , according to the memorabilia house that sold them 兩本anna nicole smith日記在易趣上以50萬美元的高價拍賣給一名德國人。出售日記的紀念館透露這名德國男子計劃用它作為寫書的參考材料。

Sunglasses , moon boots and ballet shoes belonging to michael jackson are set to go under the hammer on 30 - 31 may , in an auction set to rival elvis presley ' s graceland memorabilia auction conducted in 1999 太陽鏡、厚墊防寒靴、芭蕾舞鞋… …這些屬于曾經的歐美流行樂壇天王邁克爾?杰克遜的時尚之物將于5月30日至31日在美國拉斯維加斯的一家紀念博物館被拍賣。

He sold the diaries to a memorabilia collector who runs a shop on hollywood boulevard who came forward with the diaries after the mystery death of the former playmate in a florida hotel on february 8 at the age of 39 曾是花花公子封面女郎,今年2月8日在佛羅里達神秘死亡,年僅39歲。她死后,這名男子將日記賣給好萊塢大道上的一個紀念品收藏家。

The ball player simply looked at him , sneered , and walked away . with that my brother - in - law was so hurt from that “ snub “ that he went home , gathered up all this player s memorabilia , and proceeded to get rid of it 他覺得很受傷害,他竟被自己的偶像這樣冷落,回家后,他把所有關于這球員的紀念品拿去賣掉,統統都拿走,不想跟他有任何關系。

Street vendors are doing a brisk trade in princess huanzhu memorabilia - including watches featuring pictures on their dials the heros and heroines and books about zhao wei , lin xinru and the heartthrob zhou jie 街頭小販銷售《還珠格格》紀念品的生意非常紅火,包括表盤上帖著男女主角的手表,以及有關趙薇和小帥哥周杰的書籍等。

The early morning blaze leveled the wooden inn in alice town and destroyed photographs and hemingway memorabilia , police said . they said the caretaker of the compleat angler , julian brown , was presumed dead 據路透社1月16日報道, 13日清晨大火燒著了這家位于愛莉絲鎮的木屋客棧,燒毀了屋內存放的部分歷史照片和海明威大事記。

On wednesday , fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and beatles autographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction in worthing , in southern england 這縷頭發是當年列儂夾在他的著作《書中的西班牙人》中送給他的理發師貝蒂?格拉索的。他在贈言中寫道: “給貝蒂,我的愛和頭發。約翰?列儂。 ”

With more than 18 , 000 collectible owl memorabilia , pam barker half - kiddingly thought she might have a world ' s record . the guinness book of world records has now certified that she was right 日前, 《吉尼斯世界紀錄大全》正式宣布,美國婦女帕姆?巴克的1 . 8萬件與貓頭鷹有關的飾品創造了新的吉尼斯世界紀錄。

In looking through all of this wonderful memorabilia , it didn t take long before my son asked the question , “ you wouldn t happen to have any wayne gretzky autographed pucks , would you ? 一次我跟大兒子去他家,大兒子是格雷斯基的球迷。大兒子問:你有沒有格雷斯基簽名的冰球?他答道:看我能找到甚么?

According to the suit , ortiz entered into an exclusive contract with steiner in 2004 to provide 8 , 000 autographed memorabilia for sale and to participate in up to four two - hour - long autograph sessions 會議棒球強擊手ortiz上周五被告上法庭,被索賠100萬美元損失費,理由是他沒有為足夠的紀念品簽名。

And several countries have managed to impose physical borders on the internet to enforce local laws , from censorship in china to france ' s ban on the sale of nazi memorabilia 有幾個國家設法給因特網強加一個有形的邊界以實施本國的法律,比如從中國的審查制度到法國的禁止在網上銷售納粹紀念品。

Jackson ' s extensive collection of native american memorabilia ( jackson has frequently beat a tom - tom and chanted to motivate his players during his unusual career ) is on display 杰克遜廣泛收藏關于土著人的紀念品(杰克遜在他不尋常的執教生涯中經常敲著手鼓唱著圣歌來激勵球員們)一一展列。

On wednesday , fans will have the chance to bid on the hair and beatles autographed photos and memorabilia when they go up for auction in worthing , in southern england 拍賣將于本周三在英國南部城市沃森舉行。除列儂的這縷頭發外,歌迷還將有機會競拍披頭式樂隊的一些簽名照和紀念品。

And several countries have managed to impose physical borders on the internet to enforce local laws , from censorship in china to france ' s ban on the sale of nazi memorabilia 此外,許多國家針對互聯網設定了法規以加強本地法律,如中國的監察制度和法國對出售納粹紀念品的禁令等。

The iconic garment had been expected to fetch between $ 98 , 000 and $ 138 , 000 as part of a sale of film and television memorabilia at christie ' s auction house in london 這件標志性的戲服是倫敦克里斯蒂拍賣行所拍的眾多經典影視紀念品中的一件,其拍前估價在9 . 8萬至13 . 8萬美元之間。

The iconic garment had been expected to fetch between 98 , 000 and 138 , 000 as part of a sale of film and television memorabilia at christie ' s auction house in london 這件標志性的戲服是倫敦克里斯蒂拍賣行所拍的眾多經典影視紀念品中的一件,其拍前估價在9 . 8萬至13 . 8萬美元之間。

Chief operating officer of esd services ltd tony ma said , we are very proud and excited to provide memorabilia to millions of enthusiastic football fans in asian countries 營運總裁馬宗杰說:我們非常高興和榮幸能夠為數以千萬的亞洲足球迷,提供極具紀念價值的世界杯商品。

A t - shirts and jeans / cargos guy , this star wars toy collector and movie buff tells us about his career and the collection of his favorite movie memorabilia 他穿一身襯衣和牛仔褲,這個星球大戰玩具的收集者和電影愛好者告訴我們有關他的職業和他喜愛的有紀念意義的電影收藏。

T - shirts and jeans / cargos guy , this star wars toy collector and movie buff tells us about his career and the collection of his favorite movie memorabilia 他穿一身襯衣和牛仔褲,這個星球大戰玩具的收集者和電影愛好者告訴我們有關他的職業和他喜愛的有紀念意義的電影收藏。