
memento n.(pl. mementos, mementoes) ...

memento mori

A great memento of the billiards game , a very high degree of truth , like the 10 million dasiqiu not missing oh 一款非常小巧精致的臺球游戲,真實度相當高,喜歡打臺球的千萬不可以錯過哦。

Bituo is special in the r & d , design , manufacture , and sales of “ zero & high purity “ crystal gifts and mementoes 比拓專業從事“零度高純度”水晶禮品、紀念品的研發、設計、生產及銷售。

Arkham : of course . he ' s taking good care of it . after all , it is the only memento left from the mother you both lost 雅克罕姆:當然了? ?他非常珍惜著呢。畢竟,那是你們母親唯一的遺物。

As a memento of the occasion , mr . luk presented to mrs . lai and mr . robinson , framed stamps and first day covers 陸署長其后向兩位主禮嘉賓致送鑲有郵票及首日封的框架,以作留念。

Meanwhile , the embryo of precious metals such as gold and silve , mementoes , cards and stamps is also this company ' s business 同時具備金銀等貴金屬、紀念章、卡票的胚料生產能力。

Mr . luk also presented a framed hong kong 2001 stamp sheetlet to mr . chow as a memento of the occasion 陸署長在發布會上向周先生致送裝裱有香港2001郵票小型張的框架,以資紀念。

As a memento of the occasion , mr . chiang presented to the officiating guests framed stamps and first day covers 其后,蔣署長向二人致送裱有特別郵票及首日封的框架,以作留念。

As a memento of the occasion , mr . chiang presented to mr . roy tan hardy , mrs . chow and ms cheng framed stamps 其后,蔣署長向三位主禮嘉賓致送裱有特別郵票的框架,以作留念。

Mrs . choi presented mr . pescod a framed stamp sheetlet of the day as a memento of the event 蔡梁婉薇女士更以一套已鑲裱的“精品薈萃”郵票小型張為紀念品,致送予?志高先生。

Mrs . choi presented a framed copy of the stamp sheetlet to mr . ho as a memento of the event 蔡梁婉薇女士更以一套是日發行已鑲裱的郵票小型張為紀念品,致送予何?霆先生。

As a memento of the occasion , mr . chiang presented to prof . chu framed stamps and first day cover 其后,蔣署長向朱校長致送鑲有這套特別郵票及首日封的框架,以作留念。

Mrs . choi presented a framed stamp sheetlet of the day to mrs . tan as a memento of the event 蔡女士更以一套已鑲裱的“香港景致“郵票小型張為紀念品,致送予陳女士。

The postmaster general will present to mrs . wei a framed stamp sheetlet as a memento of the occasion 香港郵政署長會向韋太太致送裝裱好的小型張框架,以資紀念。

But the fact that we know it for a memento mori justifies us in feeling a certain human pride 但我們把它看作死亡象征的事實,證明了我們感覺到某種人類的驕傲。

Brad , we can ' t forget to go souvenir shopping ! i want a memento to remember hawaii 布萊德,我們不可以忘記買紀念品!我要一個可以記住夏威夷的東西。

Mr . luk also presented to mrs . wei a framed stamp sheetlet of the day as a memento of the event 陸署長特別向韋太太致送郵票小型張框架,以資紀念。

Directly below the postcard hang a few baby pictures of myself , mementos of a simpler time 明信片下面是一些我幼時的照片,紀念童年時簡單的時光。

Fans laid flowers and other mementos outside the entrance of the australia zoo 影迷們在澳大利亞動物園的入口外放下了很多鮮花以及其它的紀念品。

As a memento of the occasion , mr . luk presented to mr . chow framed stamps and first day covers 隨后陸署長向周先生致送首日封框架,以資紀念。