
membrane n.1.【解、生】(薄)膜,隔膜。2.〔古語〕(古文件的...

membrane bone

Erythrocyte membrane glycoproteins have been important factors in development of the mosaic model . 紅血球膜的糖蛋白在建立類脂鑲嵌模型中是一個重要因素。

The outer of the two membranes around a chloroplast could be regarded as the host exclusion membranes . 圍著葉綠體的外面兩層膜,可以看作寄主排斥的膜。

The volatile solvent may vaporize into the pores of the membrane and condense out on the other side . 揮發性溶劑可蒸發進入膜的孔隙并在另一側凝析出來。

Plasma membranes of different cells make contact in all directions but there are no intercalated discs . 各型細胞的漿膜在各方面上都有接觸,但無潤盤。

The restoring force in a vibrating flexible membrane arises from the tension with which it is stretched . 柔性膜振動時的回復力起因于使膜繃緊的張力。

The top of bucket is sealed with rubber membrane, and the rubber membrane inflated at a pressure . 水桶頂端用橡皮膜密封,橡皮膜在壓力作用下膨脹。

Food particles in the mid gut are generally separated from the epithelium by membrane . 中腸中的食物顆粒,通常被粘膜所包圍,從而與上皮層分隔開。

Acid phosphatase was initially contained within a continuous membrane in a sedimentable particle . 酸性磷酸酶最初包含在可沉淀顆粒的連續膜內。

In advanced stages of shock, the outer cell membrane often breaks up and the cell dies . 在休克的進展階段,最外面的細胞膜往往潰散而細胞死亡。

Mucous membranes or breaks in the skin were likely alternative entryways into the body . 粘膜或者皮膚上的破裂處都可能成為病毒入侵的通道。

Once the shell and membranes are added, the organism enjoys a protected location . 一旦蛋殼和殼模加上后、里面的微生物便受到它們的保護。

The nucleus is surrounded by two membranes which are separated by a perinuclear space . 核被兩層膜所包被著,這兩層膜又被核周腔分隔開。

The wall in association with the cytoplasmic membrane also delimits the paramural region . 與細胞質模聯在一起的細胞壁也劃出了壁旁區。

Membranes also provide structural support and act to anchor intracellular structures . 膜還提供結構的支持,對細胞內的結構起固定作用。

Calf diphtheria, is characterized by bilateral necrosis of the mucous membrane of the larynx . 犢白喉,以喉粘膜的兩側性壞死為特征。

When the tip penetrates the cell membrane, the membrane seals around the glass capillary . 當尖端穿透細胞膜,膜即將玻璃毛細管封住。

Their initial action is to depolarize the membrane in the same manner as ach . 他們的始發行為是用與ACh相同的方式,是使膜消退極化。

When a drug permeates a cell, it must obviously traverse the cellular plasma membrane . 當藥物透過細胞時,它顯然必定要穿過胞漿膜。

The membrane process is usually accomplished by either electrodialysis or reverse osmosis . 通常薄膜法用電滲析法或逆滲析法完成。