
membered (-)memberedcomb.f. …手足的;有…肢體...


Avermectins are a series of 16 - membered macrocyclic lactones produced by streptomyces avermitilis with potent anthelmintic and insecticidal activity . they are the most effective agricultural pesticides and antiparasitic agents , and used widely in medical , veterinary and agricultural fields 阿維鏈霉菌( streptomycesavermitilis )產生的阿維菌素( avermectins )是一組高效、低毒、廣譜的殺蟲抗生素,在醫藥、農業和畜牧業生產中具有良好的應用價值和廣闊的市場前景。

A novel ring - enlargement oxidation of polyphenyl substituted cyclopentadienes in air ( or molecular oxygen ) promoted by perchloric acid was described , in which an oxygen atom was inserted into the cyclopentadiene - ring , forming a six - membered pyrylium salts 摘要報導了空氣(或氧氣)存在的條件下,由高氯酸引發多苯基取代環戊二烯發生新穎的碳碳鍵斷裂擴環反應,在此反應中,氧原子插人到環戊二烯環中形成相應的六元環吡喃鹽類化合物。

Meanwhile , it was detected that the excess a13 + ions , to compensate the positive charge caused by the substitution of partial mg “ ions by ti ions , occupy the t2 site in the six - membered rings in the sample of 1 . 8 mgo 0 . 2tio2 2 . 2 a12o34 . 6sio2 2tio2 ? 2 . 2al2o3 ? 4 6sio2中用作價態補償的過量al3 +全部進入六元環t2位宜上。 xps的研究發現, zn ‘ ” 、 t廣的同溶使繭青石結構中的川、 st等元素出現了多種化學狀態。

Purine a simple nitrogenous organic molecule with a double - ring structure ? a 6 - membered pyrimidine ring fused to a 5 - membered imidazole ring 嘌呤:一種簡單的含氮有機分子,具一個雙環結構? ?六元嘧啶環融合成一個五元咪唑環。

Here , we report 3 cases among a four - membered family afflicted with this disease entity 病例(父親) :兩眼角膜呈現多形性的內皮細胞退化變性,兩眼角膜內皮細胞只有1100 /平方公厘。

The resulting 30 - membered ring structure produces an oval projection when viewed parallel to the b axis 沿平行于b軸的方向上生成了一個奇特的30元環結構。

You want to be membered for the country, where with your own vote and your borough at your back, you can command anything . 我知道你想做你們區里的國會代表,這樣你自己有選舉權,又有區里的人給你撐腰,還有什么事不成的。