
member n.1.(團體的)一分子,成員;會員;社員;議員;委員。...


Cartel members may defect by behaving competitively . 卡特爾的成員國由于進行競爭而會出現背叛。

These axes are called member axes (or local axes) . 這些坐標系叫做桿件坐標系(或局部坐標系)。

This time, too, several of the board members challenged him . 這次也有幾名董事對他進行了反駁。

Members are admitted free . 會員免費入場。

The simplest member of the aromatics series is benzene . 芳香烴系列中最簡單的一個化合物是苯。

Members of congress represents a variety of denominations . 國會議員分別屬于各種各樣的教派。

The portal frames are joined at the top by a cross member . 在門形框架頂部使用一個橫撐相連。

He spoke on behalf of all the members of the faculty and staff . 他代表全體教職員工講了話。

All party members and the people as a whole are full of vigour . 黨員和人民的精神狀態很好。

The members of the class are getting on very well with one another . 同學之間相處得很融洽。

All the members of the family gather to enjoy a reunion dinner . 全家人聚在一起吃團圓飯。

I speak to you as a cherished member of my flock . 這些話,是我把你當做親愛的信徒而說的。

Members felt that it was their duty to set an example . 議員們認為以身作則是他們的本分。

Each member of the family had his special duty to perform . 家里人人都有特殊的差使干。

All members of the family , old and young , are very pleased . 全家上上下下都很高興。

Some of the union members did not want to picket . 工會的一些會員不想擔任罷工糾察員。

Come to the church and be a member of the community . 到教堂去,成為該團體中的一員。

He appealed to the members to reject the resolution . 他請求議員們拒絕通過這個動議。

How many members make a quorum ? 多少人形成法定人數?