
melvin n.梅爾文〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Previous studies have suggested that other genes are involved in manic - depression . but one expert , dr . melvin mcinnis of johns hopkins university in baltimore , said in an interview that he thinks kelsoe ' s new work and another recent study provide the strongest evidence for involvement of particular genes in the disease 但是位于巴爾的摩的約翰斯霍普金斯大學的梅爾文麥金尼斯博士,一位研究躁郁癥的專家在一次采訪中說,他認為凱爾索博士的新研究和近期的其他有關研究都有力地證明這種病同某種特殊的基因有關。

Amidst gaily decorated lamps and balloons , flapping streamers and beautiful white flower centrepieces , guests tucked into a sumptuous five - course dinner lovingly cooked by melinda and guang guang , and served by our four gorgeous waiters chia , david , kb and melvin , as seng piow recorded the nights events on his camera he had also created and printed out the programmes placed on everyones plate 老板娘melinda親自下廚, guangguang從旁協助,為客人準備了五道可口菜肴。 4位kp帥哥chia , david , kb及melvin充當侍應生,招待大家。另一位帥哥sengpiow則忙著用相機捕捉每一個溫馨的鏡頭,客人桌上的節目表也是出自他的構思。

Agent 999 norman tsui travels to a remote island in pursuit of a bandit called rolex melvin wong together with a thief . upon their arrivals , they meet up with the chief of police eddy ko and soon notice that the locals of the village are all merciless cannibals 一名密探被派往大家鄉調查汪洋大盜行蹤,路上巧遇小偷,并一同進鄉,原來該地人嗜吃人肉,又與鄉內保安隊長協評平分獲物。

Calvin , melvin ( 1911 - 97 ) american biochemist noted for his investigations of the dark reactions of photosynthesis ( using radioactive carbon ) . he was awarded the 1951 nobel prize for chemistry 卡爾文:美國生物化學家,他使用放射性的碳原子發現了在光合作用中的暗反應。 1951年他被授予諾貝爾化學獎。

Agent 999 norman tsui travels to a remote island in pursuit of a bandit called rolex melvin wong together with a thief . upon their arrivals , they 一名密探被派往大家鄉調查汪洋大盜行蹤,路上巧遇小偷,并一同進鄉,原來該地人嗜吃人肉,又與鄉內保安隊長協評平分獲物。

Melvin b . tolson : we ' ll be one of the first negro colleges to ever debate a white college . if we beat them , we beat ths best 邁爾文?托爾森:我們將會成為第一個和白人大學進行辯論的黑人大學,如果我們打敗了他們,就意味著我們打敗了最好的辯論隊伍。

Melvin b . tolson : i am here to help you to find , take back , and keep your righteous mind 邁爾文?托爾森:我就在這里幫助你尋找,什么都別想,只保留住你的正義的想法。

Melvin udall : i tell you , buddy . . . i ' d be the luckiest man alive if that did it for me 告訴你,老兄… …如果是因為它而這樣,那我就是這個世界上最幸運的男人。

The nobel prize for chemistry was awarded to melvin calvin of the university of california at berkeley 美國加利福尼亞大學的梅爾文?卡爾文獲得諾貝爾化學獎。

Melvin b . tolson : [ noticing the broken seal ] hmm , looks like someone already opened it 邁爾文?托爾森(注意到了壞斷的封條) : ? ,看起來已經有人打開過它了。

Electromagnetic energy - momentum tensor in external region of schwarzschild black hole in melvin ' s magnetic universe 黑洞外部區域的電磁場能量動量張量

In al melvin .植入物

Frohike : i know what you ' re thinking : melvin , are you out of your mind 佛洛希基:我知道你在想什麼:梅爾文,你瘋了不成?

To check melvin ' s back 檢查一下邁爾文的后背

Melvin : my compliment to you is , you make me want to be a better man 我對你的贊美是:你讓我想成為一個更好的男人

Melvin b . tolson : we ' re holding tryouts for the debate team 邁爾文?托爾森:我們一定要為辯論隊把握住這次演習。

Corporal melvin . how you doing 邁爾文下士,你好嗎?

You found one in melvin 我們在邁爾文身上也發現了一個

Melvin , what ' s the business , baby 馬爾溫,生意如何呀?