
melville n.梅爾維爾〔姓氏,男子名〕。


Thus , in addition to the cousins dorothy and florence , martin encountered two university professors , one of latin , the other of english ; a young army officer just back from the philippines , one - time school - mate of ruth s ; a young fellow named melville , private secretary to joseph perkins , head of the san francisco trust company ; and finally of the men , a live bank cashier , charles hapgood , a youngish man of thirty - five , graduate of stanford university , member of the nile club and the unity club , and a conservative speaker for the republican party during campaigns - in short , a rising young man in every way 于是除了陶樂賽和佛羅倫斯兩姐妹之外,馬丁在那里還見到了兩位大學教授一個教拉丁文,一個教英文一個剛從菲律賓回來的青年軍官,以前曾是露絲的同學一個叫梅爾維爾的人,是舊金山信托公司總裁約塞夫相金斯的私人秘書。最后,還有一個男性是一個精力旺盛的銀行經理,查理哈外古德,斯坦福大學的畢業生,三十五歲了卻還年輕,尼羅俱樂部和團結俱樂部的成員,在競選時是共和黨穩妥的發言人總之在各個方面都正在扶搖直上。

Talking with prince philip is mrs . mary hotung ketterer , wwf hong kong honorary executive director from 1985 to 1992 . standing on either side are dr . philip kwok left , wwf hong kong s founding chairman , and mr . david melville right , wwf hon kong s executive director from 1992 to 1999 1985至1992年世界自然基金會香港分會總監何桃君女士創會主席郭志權博士左及1992至1999年總監梅偉義先生右與菲臘親皇在宴會暢談。

This seminar provides intensive study of texts by two american authors ( herman melville , 1819 - 1891 , and toni morrison , 1931 - ) who , using lyrical , radically innovative prose , explore in different ways epic notions of american identity 本研討課程將針對兩位均用抒情字句、完全創新的措辭、并以不同的方式探索“美國認同”這項概念的美國作家:梅爾維爾( 1819 ~ 1891 )及摩里森( 1931 ~迄今) ,進行徹底探討。

“ epistemology , hawking , and science - religion dialouge “ , in a dialogue between science and religion , edited by zhou jianzhang , melville y . stewart and kelly j . clark , xiamen , fujian , china : xiamen university press , 2002 , pp . 46 - 73 知識論、霍金、及科學與神學的對談,收于周建漳等編, 《科學與宗教的對話》 ,中國?建:廈門大學出版社, 2002年12月,頁46 ? 73 。

David melville , wwf hong kong s former executive director , working with scientists to place satellite transmitters on black - faced spoonbills caught at mai po in 1999 to collect vital information on their migratory route 1999年,世界自然基金會香港分會前總監梅偉義先生與科研人員為黑臉琵鷺系上衛星追蹤儀器,收集這種極度瀕危雀鳥的遷徙路線資料。

The irresistible attraction is perhaps best described by herman melville in the opening pages of moby dick : “ nothing will content them but the extremest limit of the land . . . 這股令人難以抗拒的吸引力,也許在梅爾維爾的小說《白鯨記》一開頭描述得最為貼切:只有陸地的盡頭才稱他們的心… …只要不掉進海中,他們一定盡可能走近海洋。

Usa rugby ceo and president of operations nigel melville on saturday announced the appointment of potomac athletic club ' s peter baggetta as the union ' s new defence specialist coach 在星期六的操作奈杰爾梅爾維爾的美國橄欖球行政主管和校長作為聯合的新防衛專家客車宣布了波托馬克河運動俱樂部的彼得?巴蓋塔的約會。

Herman melville ' s novel moby - dick is published in the u . s . by harper & brothers , new york - after it was first published on october 18 , 1851 by richard bentley , london 1851年的今天,赫爾曼?梅爾維爾的小說《白鯨記》在由倫敦的理查德?班特利于同年的10月18日首版后,此書由紐約的“哈潑爾兄弟”在美國出版。

Further thanks go to dr . paul lam , mr . s . p . lau , jp , mr . simon chau , dr . p . m . so , mr . david melville and mr . freeman lau for contributing their valuable time to the project 世界自然基金會衷心感謝林群聲博士劉善鵬太平紳士陳堅峰先生蘇炳民博士梅偉義先生及劉小康先生撥出寶貴時間參與本計劃。

Leaving aside such possible sources , it is clear that melville gained most from shakespeare , though sir thomas browne among others also delighted him 拋開這些可能的根源,顯而易見,托馬斯?布朗等雖然使梅爾維爾發生興趣,莎士比亞給他好處卻最多。

Billy budd , by herman melville . a naive young man is pressed into the service of the british navy at the very end of the 18th century 比莉?布德,由赫爾曼梅爾維爾。一個天真的年輕男人在第18世紀的結束被壓進英國海軍的服務。

Those others - hawthorne , melville , henry james - are sceptical of their compatriots ' confidence in moral progress 其他作家如霍桑、梅爾維爾、亨利?詹姆斯不相信本國同胞滿懷信心的進取精神。

Melville , the bank cashier , fascinated him , and he resolved to investigate him at the first opportunity 銀行經理哈外古德很引起他的興趣,他決定有了機會就研究他一下。

In his 20s melville found fame with two novels based on imaginary happenings in the south pacific 梅爾維爾二十幾歲時即以南太平洋虛構事件為根據的兩本小說嶄露頭角。

One such is the chapter on “ the whiteness of the whale ” in herman melville ' s “ moby - dick ” 按照這種傳統,命中注定的對無形上帝的追尋最終會在神秘的白色中結束。

Mesereau : that ' s , i think , the most we can expect , and we had it with judge melville . he ' s an outstanding judge 是的,法官給了我們最好的結果。非常卓越的法官。

“ like all sailors ashore , i at last pined for the billows ” ( herman melville ) “就象所有呆在岸上的水手,我最終還是念念不忘那滔天巨浪” (荷曼?麥爾維爾) 。

In melville island near darwin , australia , lives a race of aborigines called the tiwi 在澳大利亞達爾文附近的梅爾維爾島,住著叫tiwi的土著居民。

A trim little sailboat was dancing out at her moorings ( herman melville 一個整齊美觀的小海船正在她的停留處漂動(赫爾曼?梅爾維爾) 。