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melting pot 坩堝,熔化鍋;各種族融合之國〔通常指美國〕 (go in...


Wong tai sin is a melting pot for traditional culture and modern style . wong tai sin temple is a manifest of traditional chinese culture while the modern shopping centers add much entertainment and shopping fun to life 黃大仙區是一個糅合了傳統與現代氣息的社區,區內別具特色的廟宇盡顯中國傳統文化色彩,而多元化的社區設施及現代化的大型商場,亦豐富了生活馀暇。

Walking the rim of sydney cove from campbell ' s cove to bennelong point , and up into the serenity of the royal botanic gardens , a look at the faces tells you that , like new york , sydney is one of the world ' s great melting pots 沿著悉尼灣,從堪姆貝爾灣到貝尼龍,再走到寧靜的皇家植物園,沿途各種膚色的行人都說明悉尼和紐約一樣是世界的一個大熔爐。

Hip , funny , irreverent and honest , cross harbour tunnel is a melting pot of enthusiasms , jokes and provocation . young independent filmmaker lawrence wong tells four intricately intertwined stories , apparently based on the true events of real people . . “過海隧道“含四個互相關聯的故事,以騎呢劇情,搞笑對白以及鬼怪人物道盡大城市的眾生像

Whether it ' s new groups of people adding their individual characteristics to the linguistic melting pot or hollywood , popular novelists , and technological advances changing the lexicon , english continues to change 不論是新的群體在這個語言?爐中加入個別差異,或者是因為好萊塢電影、流行小說作者及科技進步改變了詞匯,英語持續改變。

A look at the history of the united states indicates that this country has often been called “ a melting pot “ , where various immigrant and ethnic groups have learned to work together to build a unique nation 縱觀美國歷史,就可見這個國家經常被稱為“一個熔爐“ ,在此,各種移民和種族團體學會了共同建設一個獨特的民族。

On all the main trade routes since the dawn of history , the rhone - alpes region has always been a melting pot of people and cultures , which accounts for the diversity of its heritage 有史以來,位于所有貿易要道之上的羅訥?阿爾卑斯大區,一直都是一個民族與文化的熔爐,而這就解釋了其遺產多樣性的成因。

The united states has long been known as a “ melting pot ” , because many of its people are descended from settlers who came from all over the world to make their homes in the new land 美國歷來以“民族熔鍋”著稱,因為許多美國人是移民的后裔,當年這些移民從世界各地來到這塊新土地上安家落戶。

Into this area of industry came millions of europeans who made of it what became know as the “ melting pot ” , the fusion of people from many nations into americans 許多歐洲人進入到工業的這個領域,他們創造了這個行業,這個行業變成了一個“熔爐” ,來自不同民族的人們融合成了美國人。

In a country that calls itself a melting pot , some researchers say it ' s critical to categorize people by race for some biomedical research ? and others say that ' s simply a bad idea 一些研究人員說為了一些生物醫學研究把群眾藉由種族歸類是很重要的,而其他的人認為這真是個爛點子。

Los angeles - “ crash , “ a film about the complexities of racism in the american melting pot , was named the year ' s best picture here sunday at the 78th academy awards 洛杉磯? ?周日結束的第78屆奧斯卡金像獎頒獎典禮上,講述美國大熔爐內復雜種族問題的影片《撞車》贏得了最佳影片獎。

The past decades , especially in the past 10 years , has witnessed a rapid increase in latin immigrants in the united states , which engulfs the assimilation speed of american “ melting pot “ 摘要近10年來,美國出現了拉美裔移民激增的現象,遠遠超過美國文化“熔爐”的同化速度。

Into this area of industry came millions of europeans who made of it what became know as the “ melting pot ” , the fusion of people from many nations into americans 數以百萬的歐洲人來到這個地方,使它成為了一個眾所周知的“熔爐” ,融匯了自不同國家民族來到美國的人們。

Into this area of industry came millions of europeans who made of it what became known as the “ melting pot ” , the fusion of people from many nations into americans 數以百萬計的歐洲人來到這個工業區,使它成為人所共知的“熔鍋” ,將來自各國的人融合為美國人。

You only have to glance at the credits on a hollywood movie to see the polysyllabic , ethnic diversity of surnames in the great melting pot of the united states 你只要瞥一眼好萊塢的電影明星,就不難發現在美國這個大熔爐里有許多來自不同種族的多音節姓氏。

Into this area of industy came millions of europeans who made of it what became known as the “ melting pot “ , the fusion of people from many nations into americans 數以萬計的歐洲人來到這個工業區,使之成為人所共知的種族,將來自各國的人融合成為美國人。

Military camp is the cradle of heroes . school is the melting pot of youth . sangha is a pureland to cultivate sages . mind is a temple to cultivate oneself 軍營是孕育英雄的搖籃,學校是陶冶青年的洪爐,僧團是培養圣賢的凈土,內心是造就自己的道場。

Pop music has been and continues to be a melting pot that borrows and assimilates elements and ideas from a wide range of other musical styles 流行音樂曾經而且將來也會一直像一座熔爐一般,從各種音樂類型中借鑒并吸收其中的音樂元素和觀念。

Hip , funny , irreverent and honest , cross harbour tunnel is a melting pot of enthusiasms , jokes and provocation . young independent filmmaker lawrence w . . 由古惑仔以至中產夫婦,由非雇到老泥妹,無一幸免地成為本片的嘲弄對象,而

A melting pot of martial athletes from all over the world who come together to embrace one of the toughest challenges europe has to offer 一起來擁抱最堅韌的挑戰歐洲之一的從在整個世界的軍事運動員的一個融化的壺不得不出現。