
melt vi.(melted; melted, molten)1...


Rapid melting of the snow saturated debris in a large landslide . 積雪的急劇融化使大滑坡中的巖屑飽和。

Then, gently, light melted across the land like dew . 再過一會兒,光線象露水兒一樣輕柔地在大地上散開。

Ice melts with heat . 冰見熱就化。

Heat will melt iron . 熱將使鐵熔化。

Almost as soon as it arrived, his bitterness melted away . 他的難過心情差不多在剛剛產生時就消失了。

Many of the gold ornaments were melted down to be made into coins . 很多黃金飾物回爐后鑄成了金幣。

It may also melt or boil or cook or catch fire or explode . 它還能熔化,沸騰,燒焦、著火或者爆炸。

It may also melt or boil or cook or catch fire or explode . 它還能熔化,沸騰,燒焦,著火或者爆炸。

Heat will melt iron . 熱度可使鐵熔化。

Rapid melting of the snow caused masses of the landslide to break off . 積雪的急劇融化使滑坡解體。

She melted into tears . 她心酸而落淚。

Sadness has all melted away . 愁緒全消。

The snow melted as it fell . 雪隨下隨化。

The snow soon melted away . 雪不久就化了。

Melt down the gold plate . 把這金盤子化掉。

Sadness has all melted vanished . 愁緒全消。

Pity melted her heart . 憐憫之情使她心軟了。

Melted metal is poured into a mold to harden into shape . 熔化之金屬倒入模子中以冷卻成形。

The petit-fours and the melting ice are set before them . 花色小點心和果汁冰淇淋送上來了。