
melody n.1.甜蜜的音樂,好聽[和諧]的調子;好聽的聲音;歌曲...


A textual research on the yi song of the western melody 西曲倚歌考論

Melody : fifty years ' happiness . how long is 50 years 美樂蒂:五十年的幸福。五十年有多長啊?

I searched for some new albums and melodys on internet 我在網上瀏覽一些最新的專輯和歌曲。

Featuring the karaoke of kong mei kei melody s 7 hit songs 收錄江美琪7首熱門歌曲的卡拉ok

She performed “ love melody iv “ at the concert 在此音樂會中是愛的旋律之四一曲的演唱者。

The pipe of a bagpipe on which the melody is played 風笛的調旋律管其上能彈奏曲調的風笛管

Slow , lyrical , and beautiful poetic melodies 緩慢,抒情,華麗的弦律詩韻

The beautiful melody is lingering in my mind 美妙的音樂在我心中回蕩。

Study on the folk melodies of pu songling ' s the ghost - fox fairy - tales 論蒲松齡的散文藝術

He played a delightful melody on his flute 他用笛子吹奏了歡快的曲調。

The organist played a famous melody 這位管風琴手演奏了一首著名的曲子。

Are the melodies modal , tonal , or post - tonal 他們是中古教會調式,音調得,后音樂調式?

And these lyrics and melodies never go out of style 而且這些歌詞和旋律永遠不會過時。

I love mozart ' s melody ; i love markov process 吾愛莫扎特之韻律,吾亦愛馬爾可夫過程。

Their song namely the melody is beautiful and vibrant 他們的歌即曲調優美又充滿活力。

On development melody of printing enterprises 訪深圳佳信達印務有限公司副總經理李秋光

Environmental protection to be the main melody in packaging 讓環保成為包裝業的主旋律

I like that song ; it has a pleasant melody 我喜歡那首歌,它有悅耳的旋律。

Please accompany the melody with the percussion instruments 用打擊樂器為樂曲伴奏。