
melodramatic adj.情節劇作風的;戲劇似的;感情夸張的;驚人的;轟動...


He remembers himself , his career and his friends , while he forgets who is the one he loves most since college days . he can only rely on his friend yeon - hee jang jin - young to bring his precious memory back . the story follows his quest of memory retrieval , which is similar to what you can expect from a detetive thriller , but in a melodramatic sense 他唯有靠一張褪色的照片和一班朋友去重組失去的記憶,而一班朋友中以yeon - hee (張真英)最落力幫助他,兩人在調查中憶起一些往事,到了最后

He remembers himself , his career and his friends , while he forgets who is the one he loves most since college days . he can only rely on his friend yeon - hee ( jang jin - young ) to bring his precious memory back . the story follows his quest of memory retrieval , which is similar to what you can expect from a detetive thriller , but in a melodramatic sense 他唯有靠一張褪色的照片和一班朋友去重組失去的記憶,而一班朋友中以yeon - hee (張真英)最落力幫助他,兩人在調查中憶起一些往事,到了最后

He remembers himself , his career and his friends , while he forgets who is the one he loves most since college days . he can only rely on his friend yeon - hee jang jin - young to bring his precious memory back . the story follows his quest of memory retrieval , which is similar to what you can expect from a detetive thriller , but in a melodramatic sense . although the answer of his true love is too obvious , this film still provides an engaging viewing experience since the plot is organized in an absorbing way that succeeds in arousing your attention wholeheartedly 他唯有靠一張褪色的照片和一班朋友去重組失去的記憶,而一班朋友中以yeon - hee張真英最落力幫助他,兩人在調查中憶起一些往事,到了最后說句實話,觀眾一早就能猜到故事的結局會是怎樣, jin - soo要找的人是誰,但是卻仍然十分樂意坐定定投入在電影之中,這是因為故事的結構性強,以查案的方式制造謎團吸引觀眾的好奇心,從而建立起追看性。

The audience was dazzled by rich doses of melodramatic realist , martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera films , to name but a few . for the first time , the monotonous black and white screen was livening up by the emergence of 3 - d , scope and colour films 倫理寫實片、武俠片、喜劇、粵曲歌唱片… …令人目不暇給;而立體電影、闊銀幕電影和彩色片的出現,亦令當時以黑白電影為主的電影世界更形繽紛有趣。

He fixed his eyes on the stage , although carrie was not there , a short bit of melodramatic comedy preceding her entrance . he did not see what was going on , however . he was thinking his own thoughts , and they were wretched 但是赫斯渥假裝在全神貫注地看戲,目光盯在臺上,盡管嘉莉還沒出常臺上演的是一小段她出場前的通俗喜劇場面,但是他并沒有注意臺上演的是什么,只顧想自己的心事,都是些令人傷心的思緒。

The audience was dazzled by rich doses of melodramatic realist , martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera films , to name but a few . for the first time , the monotonous black and white screen was livening up by the emergence of 3 - d , scope and colour films 倫理寫實片武俠片喜劇粵曲歌唱片令人目不暇給而立體電影闊銀幕電影和彩色片的出現,亦令當時以黑白電影為主的電影世界更形繽紛有趣。

The “ soap ” in soap opera alluded to their sponsorship by manufacturers of household cleaning products ; while the “ opera ” part came from the fact that they were about dilemmas and other dramatic or melodramatic situations “肥皂劇”中的“肥皂”一詞暗指它們的贊助商多為家庭洗滌用品生產商,而稱之為“劇”則因為它們表現的往往是困境或其他戲劇或情節劇般的情形。

Within the trappings of a melodramatic love story is a suspenseful narrative about a fleeing robber and his unsuspecting lover 風格粗曠凌厲,混合了心理懸疑和驚栗成分,甚至激烈如動作片。

Norman warne : my mother ' s taste in books , miss potter , and , i ' m afraid , in life , runs to the er melodramatic 我母親對于書籍的品味,波特小姐,在我看來,恐怕是趨向于通俗風格的世俗劇。

His handsome face assumed an expression of melodramatic feeling , and he held out his hand 漂亮的臉上露出悲劇式的溫柔表情,他伸出手來。

Don ' t be so melodramatic 不要這么情緒化

And more than a little melodramatic 還有點煽情

A melodramatic serial in which each episode ends in suspense 驚險故事連載每一集都在懸念中結束的情節劇連載

How dare you be so pathetically melodramatic walking out on me like that 怎么這么怠慢的來迎接我?

Don ' t whine ! let ' s not be melodramatic , okay 不要吵我們好說好散,好嗎

The exaggerated folly of the threat, the passionate gesture that accompanied it, the mad melodramatic words made life seem more vivid to her . 這個恐嚇似乎傻得厲害,而且他在講的時候還伴以激烈的手勢,還有他這些瘋狂的聳人聽聞的話,這一切都使她感到生活比以往顯得更逼真了。

Melville has abruptly and entirely altered his story; his prose became lushly melodramatic . 在這里梅爾維爾突然把故事改變了,把文章寫成熱鬧的通俗鬧劇了。

It seemed now melodramatic to have loved the simple edward with violence . 她以那樣的狂熱愛上平凡的愛德華,如今想來如同逢場作戲一般。