
melodrama n.情節劇,傳奇劇;戲劇性的事件[行為];〔古語〕樂劇。


Opera films , on the other hand , appealed to older audience who revelled in weepy melodrama . a filmmaker needed to understand the market trend and we naturally targeted consumers who had an extra dollar to spend . . . . the repertoires of kong ngee and its subsidiaries comprised mainly of black - and - white cantonese films . having our own studio and processing laboratory also meant absolute control over the filming process . . . 你必須要了解?場的發展去制作,哪個觀眾層的消費能力較高,我們便向這批觀眾打主意那時我們和其他幾間子公司都以拍黑白粵語片為主我們自己有片場,又有沖印間一切都可在控制之內。

Later in the middle of the year , this not - so - glamorous drama also captured a number of prominent awards at the local film award ceremony , including the best movie and best lead actor category . as a family melodrama , the premise of the film , that is , an autistic boy who favors running , should remind the audience of the hollywood classic 我的馬拉松在韓國票房一枝獨秀,是2005年上半年當地收入最高的電影,而且,影片在不久前舉行頒獎禮的大鐘獎也大放異彩,勇奪多項大獎,包括最佳電影和最佳男主角等,鋒頭一時無倆。

Not to be missed out is the wong fei - hung series , the world record holder in film series close to 60 were filmed in his period , with 25 in 1956 alone . it is worth pointing out that the union spirit proclaimed in this period - putting personal fame and fortune behind group effort in the production of artistic , thought - provoking , edifying and entertaining films - steered local cinema to a new trend , which is a legacy that should be continued and developed . besides the above mentioned , fine mandarin films produced in this period include also the realist family melodrama 這個時期出品的國語片杰作,除了上面提過的,還有倫理寫實片中秋月1953 ,鳳凰影業公司創業作國際電影懋業有限公司出品的倫理歌舞片曼波女郎1957翔鳳舞1959邵氏公司出品的金瓶梅1955 ,第一部作世界性發行的港產片有杰出的喜劇片兒女經1953情竇初開1958等,也有掀起國語歌唱片熱潮的桃花江1956 ,新華影業公司出品,以及林黛首次獲得亞洲影后榮譽的金蓮花1957 ,亦有尤敏第一次得到亞洲電影節最佳女主角榮銜的玉女私情1959等等。

Kim s portrayal as this stubborn yet sentimental mother is very convincing . unlike any other similar chracters in many tear - jerking korean melodramas , you don t really see her face covered with tears all the time , but then you can still feel that she is struggling , both internally and externally , a lot 不過總覺這個角色的行為有時會像弱智多于自閉。據我自己曾和一些自閉人士接觸的經驗,自閉者的智商未必一定有問題,所以自閉者也未必會做出一些弱智的行為。

Perhaps yee s approach may not result in heavy drama , however , it does convincingly show how he is able to consider the welfare of his characters in a comprehensive and delicate manner , and it is this level of concern that makes his work stand out from other typical melodramas 對于張柏芝這個角色編導是出于真正的關心能從多方面考慮她的處境而非一廂情愿地盲目縱容。這種手法或許不能造成強烈的通俗戲劇效果但卻更符合現實更能讓觀眾產生共鳴和感動人心。

There , he learned kung fu and became a martial arts master as he attempts to rebuild his life in a distant land . filled with eye - popping fights , the legend of hero is not only a live action adaptation of a comic myth , but also a moving melodrama about heritage , honor and unfulfilled love 到了美國,華英雄眼看異域同胞被洋人欺壓,他便鉆研出中華傲訣擊打洋人,成一代武術宗師,揚威異域,教洋人心服,更成了當地華人眼中的民族英雄

As a legatee of the traditions of the 1940s , hong kong cinema in the 1950s continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures , melodramas and comedies . these genres remained the mainstays of the industry . not a few were adapted from so - called airwave novels 享盛譽的電影包括蔡楚生監制的珠江淚為華南電影工作者聯合會籌款購置會址的人海萬花筒馬公司出品的寫實主義電影一板之隔及長城公司獲五二年賣座冠軍的新紅樓夢等等。

As a legatee of the traditions of the 40s , hong kong cinema continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures , melodramas and comedies . these genres remained the backbone of the industry . not a few were adapted from so - called airwave novels 享盛譽的電影包括蔡楚生監制的珠江淚為華南電影工作者聯合會籌款購置會址的人海萬花筒馬公司出品的寫實主義電影一板之隔及長城公司獲五二年賣座冠軍的新紅樓夢等等。

After continuing her tv and modelling career , jeon made her first well - publicized film appearance in late 2000 with il mare . a handsomely - shot melodrama set on kanghwa island , the film did respectably well at the box office and solidified her status as a star 她說: ”我也想過這個問題,現在韓國仍然有點大男人主義,所以當我拍這部電影時,也想過韓國女觀眾可能會因這部電影而感到痛快,所以我也很開心。 ”

Starting in 1910 , when huo fought four champions from england , spain , belgium and japan at a shanghai tournament , the film tracks back over the decades to tell the story of his life as a conventional riches - to - rags redemption melodrama 1910年,霍元甲在上海一次競技會上,接連戰勝了來自英國,西班牙,比利時和日本的冠軍.影片就是從這里開始倒敘,追敘霍元甲在過去幾十年里窮一身所有為國為民的故事

As a legatee of the traditions of the 1940s , hong kong cinema in the 1950s continued to produce fantasy martial arts pictures , melodramas and comedies . these genres remained the mainstays of the industry . not a few were adapted from so - called airwave novels 承繼四十年代的傳統,神怪武俠片、文藝片和喜劇仍是香港電影五十年代的主要類型,其中更有不少改編自天空小說。

Dirty work for chung mo - yim youshi zhongwuyan 1955 . melodramas dealing with family ethics were an important genre but writing such a screenplay needed a timeframe of half a year , while the script for a period piece could be concocted in three days 家庭倫理文藝片仍是重要的片種之一,可是,寫一個社會文藝片劇本,往往需時大半年:一個古裝片劇本,可少至三天便完成

She was a movie star who never actually appeared in a movie ; in a sense her whole life was a movie , a serial melodrama acted out in public , with every twist and turn of the plot reported to a world audience 她是一位從未出現在電影中的電影明星;就某種意義來說,她的一生就像是一部公開地在大眾面前上演的電影,世界上的觀眾都可以看到每一次峰?路轉的橋段。

From 1955 to 1968 , kong ngee motion picture production co made well over a hundred films , mostly urban and modern , with genres ranging from romantic comedies , melodramas , to detective films and psychological thrillers 光藝制片公司由1955年至1968年攝制了一百多部電影,當中不少極具城市的時代感,不同類型的電影如浪漫喜劇文藝偵探及心理驚栗兼而有之。

One problem of this kind of melodrama is that the story is easily fallen into cliche ji - hye does actually say so when she begins reading her mother s diary , and this is what the latter part of the movie suffers from 不過尾段突然講joon - ha參軍一節,則和前段的氣氛大異,雖不能說是離題,但感覺上和前邊一再鋪陳的小橋流水式鄉土風情格格不入。

In a typical melodrama , the antagonist is always the one who receives certain kind of punishment at the end , but in this film , kihachi forgives otsune , they team up again and start afresh at the end 在這種典型的melodrama ,正路都是講奸角最后受到一定的懲罰,但是此片卻不然。到了最后劇團班主也和她冰釋前嫌,再次走在一起。

If you are looking for some serious tear - jerking melodrama , this is definitely your cup of tea . if the characters can stay calm and use their brains to think , a lot of the tragedies should not have happened 但偏偏幾個主角人物行事都非常沖動,而且蠢得離譜,例如eun - ji錯信hur并成為他的情人,便太過無知了。

3 in the 1950s , the cantonese cinema produced a great number of melodramas , but apart from these , the most popular films belonged to the genres of martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera 三話說回頭,五十年代的粵語片,除了文藝以及社會寫實的類型外,拍得最多的類型當數武俠片喜劇和粵曲歌唱片。

Magnetic union , but not long lasting . the scales find it difficult to live in the turmoil and melodrama that you thrive on . this relationship is usually short , hot and sweet 雙子天秤:這是很有吸引力的組合,可惜不能持久。天秤座的人很難忍受你善變的性格。你們的關系通常短暫,但熱烈而甜蜜。