
melodize vt.使有優美的旋律,使悅耳動聽;把…譜成樂曲。vi.作...


From art dept of xinyu high grade vocational school , to be expert at bamboo flute , flute , melodizing , incidental music 來自新余高專藝術系,擅長竹笛長笛作曲編曲配器。

To be good at flute , bamboo flute , xiao , bawu playing , like vocality , piano and melodizing 擅長長笛竹笛洞簫巴烏的演奏,喜歡聲樂鋼琴和音樂創作。

The movie title was melodized , because they couldn ' t find a song to fit it 這部電影被譜上旋律,因為他們無法找到適合的歌曲。

Discussing the process of melodizing 歌曲創作淺論

From shunde , to be good at website edit , like music and melodize 來自順德,擅長網站編輯,愛好音樂和作曲。