
melodious adj.(有)旋律的,旋律優美的,音調悅耳的。adv.-...


Necklace , earrings , ring , bracelet , collar pin materials : 22k swiss gold , emerald , yellow gemstones the bridge to paradise is a link between the earth and heaven , the melodious flow of the inner sound stream , and the promise and guidance of an enlightened master 天堂的橋項?耳環戒指手?領針材質: 22k黃金祖母綠黃寶石是人間與天堂的連系,是內在音流的悠揚,更是明師的承諾與引領。

Suppose , a speech clear pronunciation and mellow voice , melodious , vivid , sings in good voice and with feeling the teacher , can not cause the student to be infatuated with in which , is content with one ' s lot , has experiences personally the feeling 試想,一個說話字正腔圓、抑揚頓挫、繪聲繪色、聲情并茂的教師,能不使學生陶醉其中,自得其樂,有身臨其境之感嗎?

Kd - ii gives the correct time that the apparatus can ring a bell 288 times every day , and can control 16 s ' 25w ' s tweeter one or two , power cut gave the correct time in three days as usual , two kinds of graceful melodious musics Ii改進型報時儀每天可以打鈴288次,可以控制16 25w高音喇叭一或兩只,停電三天照常報時,帶直流電壓指示,兩種優美動聽的音樂。

Op . 34 , no . 2 valse brillante , which addresses the human spirit in an intimate way reflecting the beauty of the higher music the heavenly melodious teaching , to use supreme master ching hais term 蕭邦的作品顯示出他寬廣的表達能力,譬如,他的第二號華麗圓舞曲op . 34 , no . 2 valse brillante ,親切地詮釋了人類的心靈層面,展現出高境界的音樂之美。

In front of them a stream of people was crowding and crushing against the ticket office , and there was a din of voices , in the midst of which the name of nana sounded with all the melodious vivacity of its two syllables 在他們面前,觀眾排成一條長,擠在檢票處,發出一陣陣喧鬧聲,喧鬧聲中,不時響起娜娜的名字,這兩個字就像唱歌一樣響亮有力。

The various colour nuances of aquamarine have melodious names : the rare , intense blue aquamarines from the santa maria de itabira mine in brazil , which make every gemstone lover s heart beat faster , are called santa maria ,其稀少明潔濃艷的艷藍色讓每個寶石愛好者都心跳加速。其色調與一些來自非洲的海藍寶石很相似,尤其是莫桑比克礦場。

Spectacular horse wedding fleet , grand camel welcome procession , and the melodious singing and bold and vigorous dancing which are unique in mongolian prairie , all capture the real mongolian wedding custom 盛大的接親馬隊、隆重的彩駝迎親還有蒙古高原上獨有的美妙歌聲、豪放的舞蹈,這一切真實的再現了蒙古族獨特的婚禮習俗。

Without realising it , i thought of these melodious words . i also suddenly realised this was no time to rest , but somehow i stopped my pen , temporarily interrupting my eloquent writing 不知怎的,我的腦海中忽然想起這首耳熟能詳的旋律。雖然也知道現在可不是悠閑的時候,但是不自覺地,我停下筆,暫時止住了試卷上的龍飛鳳舞。

We care for you every step ! chess and card : featuring chinese traditional culture of tea , and classical and melodious chinese musica ! rhythm feels the atmosphere makes one feel so good and comfortable 棋牌茶藝:環境古樸典雅,幽香沁人,伴隨著古箏琴弦傳來一陣陣空靈的聲音,讓人的心情滿載思古幽情之馀,倍感悠閑。

White clouds are in the blue sky , under the white clouds are snow white sheep . . . . . . the instrumental music adapted from mongolia folk song is melodious 藍藍的天空上飄著白云,白云的下面蓋著雪白的羊群… …這首根據蒙古族民歌編配而成的器樂曲,旋律悠揚抒情,中間增加了快板部分,從而使音樂形象更加豐滿。

With its light and melodious music and beautiful dancing , the fantastic sight of paradise descending from heaven ; thousands of guests were stunned by the prelude to the happy yogi fashion show 輕快悠揚的音樂,柔美的舞姿,天堂般的景象,吸引了在場數千名嘉賓的目光,揭開了happy yogi服裝秀的序幕。

In the evening enjoy a farewell dinner cruise on chao phrya river , accompanied by melodious music and being mesmerized by the sights of glittering lights on the riverbanks 夜游湄南河,兩岸燈火輝煌,映照在美麗的建筑物上,清風徐來,河光粼粼,伴著輕柔的音樂,為您的泰國之旅留下最美的回憶。

Known for his own unique style that skillfully incorporates r b and hip - hop as well as other music genres to weave a melodious sound carpet , jay has always been very fond of experimenting Project d車隊在網上公開招募挑戰的對手,在指定的道路上追求速度,刷新記錄。 project d的第一站是

He was eating an apple , and giving a long , melodious whoop , at intervals , followed by a deep - toned ding - dong - dong , ding - dong - dong , for he was personating a steamboat 他正在吃蘋果,不時地發出長長的好聽的“嗚”的叫聲,隔會兒還“叮當當叮當當”地學鈴聲響,他這是在扮演一只蒸汽輪船。

I can remember as a child in church seeing the assembly of choirboys with their lit candles singing christmas carols in melodious voices , which sent me to celestial realms 我還記得小時候,教堂里唱詩班的男孩手捧著蠟燭,以優美悅耳的嗓音唱著贊美詩,將人們的心靈提升至天堂的境界。

So i was left with the would - be periwinkle , who was reduced to wurzburger without further ability to voice his aspirations to perch , melodious , upon the summit of a valley 因此,只留下想當長春花的人和我在一起,他屈尊于維爾茨堡酒,再也沒有能力去聲言他在谷頂上唱歌的抱負了。

Unique point of the u . s . , coupled with the melodious melodies , but also with free wireless internet functions , is relaxed and leisurely ideal business negotiations as well 別致的美點,加上悠揚的樂韻,更附有免費的無線上網功能,是悠閑放松以及商務洽談的理想之所。

Thus , we lived together in a household of quan yin family members , where masters sweet , melodious chanting was played continuously inside the house 母親搬來和我們同住之后,因為家人全都是同修,家中隨時都播放師父唱的佛贊,而能時時沉醉在師父美妙悅耳的佛音中。

Melodious folk songs wafted over the fields , forests and streams convey the feelings of the hakkas . puppet shows and local musical instruments are always popular 遠古時代流傳下來的優美的山歌,飄蕩于田野林間溪畔,聲調悠揚甜美,抒發著客家人的情懷。