
melodic adj.旋律的;調子美妙的。


This essay aims to take the mutual metaphors of vigor , river and music as the key path in interpreting sha h bei g ( lament of the sand river ) by qi deng sheng by bringing up and discussing how the three intervals of “ murmur of the sand river , “ “ unswerving playing of vigor “ and “ incessant inquiry over the signification of playing “ are interwoven into one melodic novel abounding in rhythms 本文試圖以生命、河水與音樂的相互隱喻,討論《沙河悲歌》如何以沙河的潺潺細唱、生命矢志不移的吹奏,與不間斷地詢問吹奏之義三組音程交織成一篇深富韻律性的旋律小說。

Their new material displays much more skilled and deliberate songwriting than ever seen before in the bands career , and while keeping the heavy groovy rhythms and the melodic guitar parts , the songs have been cut down in complexity to give place to more essential , purer and focused forms of expression 跟平常的樂隊創作事業相比,他們的音樂創作在融入新靈感顯得更為深思熟慮更具技巧性.而且減少不不必要的復雜部分保留住絕妙的節奏及吉他旋律部分,使得歌曲的表達更純更有表現力

To leibnitz it was “ unconscious counting “ a species of mathematics ; to john ruskin “ frozen architecture “ ; but to musicians it was , until only very recently , “ singing . “ sound was simply the physical medium , the carrier of the increasingly expanding structures which based themselves primarily on the model of the vocal phrase and its psychology , and projected its human aspirations in clearly shaped , arching melodic lines with or without verbal association 對leibnitz (雷布尼茲) ,它是“不自覺地數“一種數學;對johnruskin “凍結建筑“ ;但對音樂家,它本是, (直到最近才改變) , “唱“ .聲音只是單純的物體媒介;攜帶著,基于唱句及其心理模式擴增的結構,投射人的氣,以清楚的拱形旋律,可或有或無詞句

Your work on this project and our discussion in class is an opportunity to reflect on many of the issues that we have covered throughout the semester : the tonal network , rhythmic structure , melodic analysis , movement towards arrivals and departures , moving up and down the structural ladder , simplicity and complexity 你的專題作業和我們課中的討論是一個反思我們整學期許多議題的機會:調性的網絡,節奏的結構,旋律的分析,律動的到來和離開,在結構階梯上的移上和移下,簡單和復雜。

Chopin wrote almost exclusively for the piano , making the instrument sing in a way that no previous composer had conceived , and so earned the epithet poet of the piano . his sense of lyricism and melodic genius gave rise to some of the most beautiful music ever written , and his piano works are the most frequently played in history 蕭邦幾乎只鍾情于鋼琴的音樂創作,他以獨創的方式讓鋼琴演唱,因而贏得了鋼琴詩人的美譽。他的抒情風格以及對旋律曲調的天分,使他譜出了曠世的絕美樂章,其鋼琴樂曲是音樂史上最經常被演奏的曲目。

Historic , expel that pain medic , infant s compendium of the universe cosmic , let s all chortle hilaric , canvasser s vade mecum journalic , love - letters of mother assistant erotic , who s who in space astric , songs that reached our heart melodic , pennywise s way to wealth parsimonic 史學止痛法醫學供幼兒閱讀的宇宙概略宇宙學福臨笑家門樂天生活法廣告兜攬員便覽報業學助產婦情書情欲學宇宙空間人名錄星辰學動人心弦的歌曲旋律學省小錢發財法吝嗇學。

He was good at airing the supernatural and mysterious power in his poems , the marvelous melodic quality and rhetoric of which are remarkable , and the form is also very perfect . “ kubla khan “ is just like this 此詩虛實結合,著重描寫詩人夢境中的朦朧幻景,意象奇特,注重對比與比喻,尤其以其音樂性的韻律和豐富的修辭見長,是為一首不朽的世界名詩。

Beside the strong leaders of both bands , who can compose , sing , play guitar and play piano , the keyboardists are the main characters that inject the melodic senses and enrichment into their songs 兩個樂團除了都有實力派的主唱能夠身兼作曲、唱歌、吉他、鋼琴,鍵盤手更是為樂團歌曲注入音樂性和豐富性的最大功臣。

The trilogy of motherland , composed by liu zhi who is a talented musician with a strong power of melodic creativity and admired by many , is of eternity eulogizing great chinese people and beautiful land of the country 摘要劉熾先生的交響大合唱《祖國三部曲》 ,是謳歌祖國大好河山、贊美人民偉大精神的不朽之作。

“ the chinese are very sensitive to the melody produced by neapolitan songs , perhaps the most famous melodic songs in the world like “ o sole mio ” and “ torna a surriento ” “中國人對那波里歌曲的旋律很有感覺,熟知稱得起世界上最著名的旋律優美的歌曲比如《我的太陽》和《重歸蘇連托》等。

Bass guitar is easy to learn , flexible for slow and fast songs with the combination of both rhythmic and melodic parts and it is inseparable for a worship team 低音吉他是一個容易學習而富有彈性的樂器它能應用在慢歌或快歌,并能融合節奏及旋律部份,是一個敬拜小組不可缺少的樂器。

In tremolo , if you have the possibility of making it rounder or sharper , you can really affect the melodic feeling , and i think it ' s worth doing 在輪指演奏上,如果你能夠自如地彈出飽滿或是尖銳的聲音,那么你一定可以表現好音樂旋律的感覺,而且我感覺這是非常值得你去實踐的。

The tonality is gradually established with more lyrical melodic lines in the middle section . after a passage with dancing rhythm , the piece ends with a slow modal melody 中段調性漸趨明朗,旋律形態鮮明,引入活潑的節奏,最后以一個緩慢而抒情的旋律結束。

The term harmonic interval is used to indicate an interval between two notes sounded together , as opposed to a melodic interval , when two notes are sounded in succession 和聲音程用來描述兩個同時發出聲音的音符間的音程,與先后發聲的曲調音程相對。

Voice crossing takes place when one voice goes above or below another . this may be necessary to preserve a particular melodic line in a particular voice 當一個聲部移至另一聲部之上或之下時就出現了聲部交錯。有必要把特定旋律線放在特定聲部里。

The rustic and exuberant yingge dance , the melodic ditao music and the exquisite paper - cutting are billed as three treasures of chaoyang folk arts 粗獷奔放的英歌舞,清揚悅耳的笛套音樂,精細至極的剪紙,被譽為“潮陽民間藝術三寶” 。

With neither a brilliant plumage nor a melodic song to set it apart from other birds , the crow might seem to have been dealt a low blow 既無華麗的羽毛也無美妙的歌喉使烏鴉從其他鳥類中脫穎而出,這似乎使烏鴉受到了一個小小的打擊。

This lesson focuses on principles of melodic imitation , inversion , the use of melodic and rhythmic motives as well as the construction of counter - melodies 課程將著重于旋律的模仿、反向、旋律和節奏動機的使用以及如何構造副旋律。

Our meditation sessions featured the playing of masters melodic buddhas chanting tape . thus the meditation room was continuously filled with masters blessing power 禪二在師父莊嚴的佛贊聲中揭開序幕,打坐室盈滿師父的加持力。