
melo n.〔美俚〕= melodrama.


Melo , though , rebounded with 53 points in the final two games against the spurs ' swarm , just as he gradually distanced himself from a string of controversies ( dating all the way back to last summer ' s olympics ) to click in reasonably quick fashion with new nuggets coach george karl 然而,甜瓜在后兩戰以狂攬53分的表現,奮起反擊于馬刺隊的壓迫,正如他逐漸做到遠離自己于一連串的爭議(一切始自去年夏天的奧運會) ,并在掘金新教頭喬治.卡爾的量身定做的快速風格中新生。

Degenerate oligonucleotides to highly conserved regions of cucumis melo 1 - aminocyclopropane - 1 - carboxylic acid ( acc ) oxidase gene were used to prime the amplification of fragment of 128bp by ploymerase chain reaction ( pcr ) in samples of genomic dna from fruit of cucumis melo l . cv hetao flesh , which was cloned into plasmid vector pmd - 18 - t . the clon of antisense orientation were selected , and it was inserted downstream of camv35s promoter and enhancer “ “ of tmv into the plant expression vector pbinyxw , antisence expression vector pbinya was constructed . at the base that pollination and fertilization of cucumis melo l . cv hetao was studied , using pollen tube pathway transformate cucumis melo l . cv hetao , 76 fruit had been obtained , moreover , hardness and content of sugar were analysed 本實驗以河套蜜瓜果肉基因組dna為模板,用甜瓜acc氧化酶基因特異寡核苷酸鏈為引物進行pcr擴增,得到128bp的擴增產物。將得到的擴增產物克隆到質粒載體pmd - 18 - t上,篩選反向克隆,然后將其反向構建到植物表達載體pbinyxw的camv35s啟動子和tmv增強子“ ”的下游,構建成反義表達載體pbinya 。并在對河套蜜瓜授粉受精生物學研究的基礎上,通過花粉管通道法轉化河套蜜瓜,共獲76顆瓜,并進行了硬度和含糖量的分析。

Handline cucumis melo and aqualica forsk seeds with different concentrations of detergent and soap , shows germination of detergent and soap and that even the effect of the same concentration of detergent and soap on the seeds is different 摘要以不同濃度的洗衣粉、肥皂液處理空心菜、香瓜種子,發現不同濃度的洗衣粉,肥皂液均能不同程度抑制種子萌發及幼苗生長,且相同濃度洗衣粉、肥皂液對種子生長影響也存在差異。

They still need a proven shooter - scorer at the two to help open up the floor and take some pressure off melo , and perhaps a bit more frontline bulk . . . but they ' ve got a young franchise player who ' s growing up fast 他們在2號位仍然需要一個信得過的射手,幫助他們拉開空當并減輕甜瓜的壓力,也許還需要增加一些鋒線的塊頭… …但他們已擁有了一位正在茁壯成長的年輕的明星球員。

Carmelo anthony ' s second - half resurrection is right there with vince ' s , even though the nba doesn ' t award a comeback trophy during or after its season , and even though melo ' s playoff run lasted a game or two less than expected 卡梅隆.安東尼下半程的復活和東邊的卡特遙相呼應,即使nba在賽季中或賽季后、并沒有設置相應的獎項,即使甜瓜的季候賽持續的比期望中少了一兩場。

Rmb 2 , 688 consumption in hotel food and beverage outlets during your stay , except paulaner restaurant and chocotheke shop and inclusive of kids menu in meli melo restaurant special for children from 6 - 12 years old 普拉那啤酒坊和凱賓巧克力店除外,其中包括邁莉若餐廳為

Melo concedes that furious george is dead - on right when karl tells him that he needs to be more selective with shots and drastically increase his defensive intensity 當卡爾告訴他不要浪射且需大幅增加防守強度時,甜瓜讓步了,讓步給了這個絕對正確的“狂暴”的卡爾。

2001 , 148 : 175 - 180 . 11 a melo jr . , j manuel , a coello . packet scheduling based on learning in the next generation internet architectures 另外,訂定fuzzy limit參數,利用此參數來判斷連結是否可以被建立,而fuzzy limit值如何定,將是本論文中評估的重點之一。

I remember i was sitting alone on a stone , gazing at the galaxy , as melo - dious tunes of “ a song in the milky way “ reverberated in my ears 我孤單的坐在石頭上,看著銀河,聽著不知從何處唱著的銀河系里的一首歌,歌聲極其優美高亢,無法形容。

Or did you not notice how the consensus best team in the west made stopping melo its entire defensive focus 你沒有注意到? ?西部公認的最佳球隊是怎么遏制甜瓜這個整個防守體系的眼中釘的?

Genetic transformation of the acc oxidase antisense gene to cucumis melo l . cv . hetao via agrobacterium tumefaciens 氧化酶反義基因轉化甜瓜品種河套蜜瓜的研究

Cloning and sequencing of cucumis melo fruit - specific expression cucumisin gene promoter region 甜瓜果實特異性表達黃瓜素基因啟動子區的克隆和序列分析

Cucumis melo l 來自甜瓜屬

Differences of shelf - life in some melons including six varieties of cucumis melo l 6個變種部分品種貨架期差異比較

. . . i look up and i see gina kissing melo on the mouth . . 我抬頭看見吉娜居然和門羅在接吻. .

Complimentary breakfast or buffet breakfast at meli melo -免費行政酒廊或邁莉若餐廳自助早餐

- stacy bit my toe off . - then melo freaks out . . 斯德茜咬掉了我的腳趾頭門羅給嚇壞了. .

Stacy bit my toe off . - then melo freaks out . . 斯德茜咬掉了我的腳趾頭門羅給嚇壞了. .

I look up and i see gina kissing melo on the mouth 我抬頭看見吉娜居然和門羅在接吻