
mellow adj.(mellower; mellowest)1.甘...


Since she ' s met you , she has mellowed 她遇到你之后可是溫柔多了

The orchestra had a distinctively warm and mellow sound 這個管弦樂隊演奏的特色是聲音優美柔和

It ' s gonna be real mellow , just chilled up 絕對很棒,來散散心吧

Age has mellowed his attitude to some things 他隨著年齡的增加,對某些事情的看法已日趨成熟。

It is a kind of mellow wine fom shao xing 這是紹興出產的一種醇酒。

Followed by the perpetually mellow pelicans 而鵜鶘則是永遠的第三名

Okay . up till now , i ' ve been , like , mellow 嗯,現在我已經非常熟悉

2004 tsai chin s best selection the mellow time 2004蔡琴精選抒琴時間

And . mellow out . - i don ' t want to mellow out , pete -然后.放松一下-我不想放松,皮特

September 16 , 2006 - ? mellow : how does your desktop look like 美露:你的桌面看起來如何

And it ' s good for my customers who want a more 4 ) mellow red 想喝甘醇紅酒的顧客也會喜歡。

The mellow wine and fruit are so inviting 醇酒和熟透了的水果是? ? ?人。

I find this kind of beer very mellow 韓佳:我覺得這種啤酒啊非常醇厚。

And . mellow out . - io don ' t want to mellow out , pete -然后.放松點-我不想放松,皮特

I ' ll finish today with a mellow song 我要用一首柔美的歌作為今天的結語

I don ' t know . now , look , y , ou ' re fireaking me out . mellow out 我不知道,你在煩我,放松些

The apples mellowed after we picked them 蘋果在我們摘下后變得醇香了。

Okay . up till now , i ' ve been , like , mellow . . 嗯,現在我已經非常熟悉. .

A man is not old , but mellow , like good wine 年高非老,乃成熟也;佳釀越陳,味越醇美。