
mellon n.梅隆〔姓氏〕。


It ' s a little bizarre for me to be standing here at carnegie mellon , which is a school i couldn ' t get into no matter how much i contributed to this institution . [ laughter ] but , no really , i ' m not kidding 我站在這里其實是有點怪異,因為無論我為這個學校資助了多少錢,卡內基梅隆是個我上不了的大學[笑聲]但,沒有,我不開玩笑

American scientists at carnegie mellon university have invented a 3d scan technology to read the otherwise illegible words on carved stone , a method that may apply to other areas such as medicine 美國卡耐基美隆大學的科學家已經發明出一種3d掃描技術,可以讀出石刻上難以辨認的字,這個方法也適用在其它領域,像醫學方面。

Q : i ' ve heard that at your doctoral thesis defense at carnegie - mellon , which was open to anyone for questions , you planted a long technical question with your mother that you answered flawlessly after saying , “ awww , mom ! 我聽說你了在卡納基-梅隆大學時謀劃的博士論文,這個論文為了尋求問題而被放開給每個人。

Cert , the computer emergency response team located at carnegie mellon university ' s software engineering institute , has been a center for network incident reporting and analysis for the past decade 位于卡內基?梅隆大學軟件工程學院內的計算機緊急響應小組( cert )在過去十年中已經成為網絡事件報告和分析中心。

I ' ve heard that at your doctoral thesis defense at carnegie - mellon , which was open to anyone for questions , you planted a long technical question with your mother that you answered flawlessly after saying , “ awww , mom ! 我聽說你了在卡納基-梅隆大學時謀劃的博士論文,這個論文為了尋求問題而被放開給每個人。

Is a center of internet security expertise at the software engineering institute , a federally funded research and development center operated by carnegie mellon university 是軟件工程協會( software engineering institute )的因特網安全專家中心,該協會是政府資助由卡內基梅隆大學運營的研究和開發中心。

To add value to this network , these three institutions , together with carnegie mellon university in the us , will join efforts in enhancing digital library research and application development 同時,為了強化這個網絡的發展,三所學府會與卡內基美侖大學合作積極開拓數碼圖書館的科研及技術發展。

The carnegie mellon school of computer science web site provides a short introduction to this approach , along with links to several technical publications on the topic The carnegie mellon school of computer science的web站點提供了這種方法的簡短介紹以及關于這個主題的幾本技術出版物的鏈接。

Geschke holds a doctorate in computer science from carnegie - mellon university as well as a masters degree in mathematics and an a . b . in classics , both from xavier university Geschke擁有卡內基-梅隆大學計算機科學專業的博士學位,以及澤維爾大學數學專業的碩士學位和古典文學專業的文學學士學位。

He holds an ms in industrial engineering from the university of pittsburgh and an ms in information technology - software engineering from carnegie mellon university 他從university of pittsburgh獲得了工業工程的碩士學位,并從carnegie mellon university獲得信息技術和軟件工程的學士學位。

A review of five separate studies by carnegie mellon university found a 38 . 5 % asthma reduction in buildings - such as green schools - from improved indoor air - quality 一項針對卡內基美隆大學所做之五項個別的研究發現,像綠色學校這樣的建筑,因為室內空氣品質改善,減少了38 . 5 %的氣喘發生率。

Prior to joining the arizona state university faculty , he held faculty positions at the university of minnesota , the university of chicago , carnegie mellon university , and the university of pennsylvania 他曾任教于明尼蘇達大學、芝加哥大學、卡內基美隆大學和賓夕法尼亞大學。

[ ref1 ] mark c . paulk et al , “ key practices of the capability maturity model - version 1 . 1 “ , software engineering institute - carnegie mellon university 為培養履行軟件管理和技術職責所需的技能和知識而提供培訓。 。 :對分配給軟件的系統需求進行控制,以便創建軟件工程和管理的基線。

The center of excellence , leveraging the widely acclaimed people cmm ? framework , from carnegie mellon university , usa , will address the area of workforce development 美國卡內基梅隆大學的杰出中心對享譽國際的人力成熟度模型的問世提供了強大的支持,該中心從事與勞動力發展領域。

A sea change in robotics : to whittaker , who directs the field robotics center at carnegie mellon , that is what the grand challenge competition is really about 機器人學方面的一項巨變,對于主持卡內基美倫大學野地機器人學中心的惠塔克來說,這才是大挑戰競賽真正的意義。

Mark c . paulk et al , “ key practices of the capability maturity model - version 1 . 1 “ , software engineering institute - carnegie mellon university 為培養履行軟件管理和技術職責所需的技能和知識而提供培訓。 。 :對分配給軟件的系統需求進行控制,以便創建軟件工程和管理的基線。

Carnegie mellon university , for example , reports a 21 % increase in applications for its computational - finance master ' s so far this year , after a 48 % jump last year 例如,卡耐基梅隆大學就說,他們的計算金融碩士項目的申請者到目前為止已經增長了21 % ,去年這個數字是48 % 。

Higher education and training institutions partner with icarnegie to provide their students with carnegie mellon - powered , leading education in software development 和卡內基公司合作的高等教育和培訓機構,向他們的學生提供卡內基梅隆大學擁有的、領先的軟件開發教育。

Track colorful objects like marker tips through your video interface , and integrate the open source sphinx library from carnegie mellon university see 在視頻界面中跟蹤有顏色的對象(比如指示棒) ,并集成來自卡內基梅隆大學的開放源碼sphinx庫(參見