
mell vt.,vi.〔英方〕1.混合;加入。2.弄,摸弄;參與...


However , we should not neglect a detail that the images have been placed along the timeline in a disorderly and unsystematic way : from the egyptian pyramid to the head of george washington , various images of people and events of all ages are put together in pell - mell ( at least seemingly so ) 但同樣不應當忽視的一個細節是,時間軸中的影像是零散無規律的,古埃及的金字塔、華盛頓的頭像、古往今來各種各樣的人和事被混亂(至少貌似混亂)地擺放在一起。

The first floor is a super luxurious hall , it contains nearly five hundred people to have a mell , enjoying fish bowl at the same time , feeling fashion life . the second floor and the third floor have nearly thirty luxurious box , provde the feel a home for home , showing your elegant and poised demesnour 一樓是超豪華大廳,能容納近500人同時就餐,酒店二、三樓擁有高檔豪華包廂30余間,給您賓至如歸感覺的同時,更充分展示雍容華貴的至尊風范。

We are preserv d to repent and be pardon d : he muses a while at this ; mell , all , says he , mighty affectionately , that well ; so you , i , devil , all wicked , all preserve , repent , god pardon all 我回答說: “你這樣問我,就等于問為什么上帝不把你和我殺掉,因為,我們也犯了罪,得罪了上帝。上帝留著我們,是讓我們自己有機會懺悔,有機會獲得赦免。

It is not your job to run around pell - mell trying to rack up an impressive kill count ; instead , you should do everything you can to work with friendly forces so that you can best support the infantry 你的工作不是像個無頭蒼蠅一樣亂跑,尋找敵人來提高自己的殺敵數,而是應該為友軍做你能做的每件事,這樣才是對步兵最好的支持。

Along this narrow alley little women were racing pell - mell , for they were delighted to escape from the men who were waiting for them in the other passage 沿著這條通道,小娘兒們亂哄哄地奔走,她們都很高興,因為這樣避開了在全景胡同正在等待她們的男人們。

If the rock ' s mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise , staff and branches dismantled pell - mell , the taxpayer would lose out 如果把北巖銀行的信貸抵押匆忙賣掉,使其特許經營權,員工和分支機構四分五裂,納稅人將會無法得到補償。

If the rock ' s mortgages are sold off in a hurry and its franchise , staff and branches dismantled pell - mell , the taxpayer would lose out 如果草率的將北巖的債權賣掉而且把它的分支職工和機構拆的亂七八糟的話,那么納稅人就將受到損失。

The first student said : “ i wake up in the morning . i see the yellowsun , i see the greengrass , and i s mell the pink flowers 第一個回答的學生說道: “早上我醒來了。我看見了黃色的太陽、綠色的草并且聞到了粉紅的花的香味。 ”

Fascinating subjects and noble ideas come pell - mell , each with its appropriate imagery and expression 極有吸引力的主題和崇高的思想紛紛出現在腦海,隨之而來的還有恰如其分的意象和措辭。

No mill , no mell 不磨面,沒飯吃。

The books were scattered pell - mell over the floor 書本凌亂地散置在地上

Mr. sharp was the first master, and superior to mr. mell . 夏浦先生是一等老師,比麥爾先生高一級。