
melissa n.【植物;植物學】蜜蜂花〔薄荷屬〕。


Melissa : well , just don ' t mistake the path for what is really important in life 梅里沙:是的,只是別錯失了這條路上真正重要的東西。

Melissa ' s mother blurted out the truth in 1996 during a heart - to - heart chat 1996年,她母親在一次坦誠相見的談話中對她說出了真相。

Dr . melissa curley 柯麗莎博士

Melissa : you ' re unbelievable . hiring you was the biggest mistake i ever made 梅利莎:你讓人難以置信,雇用你是我犯過的最大錯誤。

Melissa : you worried about quantico , or who gets the most presents this year 梅麗莎:你在擔心寬提科,還是今年誰收到最多的禮物?

Sweet , funny , whimsical melissa . weddings aren ' t about the bride and groom 我可愛、異想天開的梅利莎.婚禮不止是新郎和新娘的事

Melissa : you know what ? i ' m not even going to talk to you . would you please leave 梅利莎:你懂什么?我不想和你說話,請你離開。

Melissa : excuse me . can you tell me where the nearest shopping center is 不好意思,你可以告訴我這里最附近的購物商場在哪里嗎?

Bears like aunt melissa . bears like demon , hatchet , downey and tabitha 熊喜歡梅麗莎姑姑,熊喜歡妖魔喜歡小斧頭,甚至任何東西

Here , l ' m melissa 我在這里叫梅莉莎

Dr melissa ho khin khin tint 陸志聰醫生

Melissa : the worst part was when they asked me to make a short presentation 梅利莎:最糟糕的,是他們要我作一簡短報告。

Melissa , this is what you want . this is the wedding you ' ll remember 梅利莎,這就是你要的.這是你永遠都會記得的婚禮

Melissa is a member of the grid ebo , working on the strategy team Melissa是grid ebo的成員,在一個戰略小組中工作。

Melissa turned and looked at me . tears started to run down her cheeks 梅麗莎轉過來,看著我.眼淚開始流到了雙頰上。

Melissa pang , kaye phang shuk - yee , zoe 葉興國, mh

Melissa is eating her babies 梅麗莎正吃她自己的孩子!

“ melissa , “ i asked . “ why are you looking in my closet ? “梅麗莎” ,我問,你為什么在我的櫥子里到處找呢?

Melissa and henry have the flowers 梅麗莎和亨利有花兒。