
meliorate vt.,vi.= ameliorate. -ration...


Burning dme in the diesel engine can solve the problem that petroleum resources is reducing based on the long - term viewpoint , meanwhile , it can meliorate the emission pollution based on the short - term viewpoint , which develop a realistically feasible approach to solve tow big difficult problems , namely crisis of energy and environmental pollution 在柴油機上燃用二甲醚,從長遠來看,可以解決石油資源減少的問題,從近期考慮,則能夠改善排氣污染,它為解決能源危機和環境污染兩大難題開辟了一條現實可行的道路。

2 . the structure of purple soil is meliorated by sabaigrass . when contrast to bare land treatment and natural wild grassland treatment we knew that sabaigrass treatment and grass tree solid plating treatment reduced soil bulk density , enhanced soil capillary porosity , non - capillary porosity and porosity ratio , decreased soil sand grain content , enhanced soil clay grain and silt grain content so as to reduced the dispersal degree of soil , improved the aggregate capacity of soil , increased the amount of soil aggregate structure , meliorated the water permeability of soil , accelerated the form of good soil structure 龍須草能改善紫色土的土壤結構龍須草純種植被和林草立體種植植被能不同程度地降低土壤容重,減少土壤砂粒含量,增加土壤的毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度和孔隙比,以及增加粉粒含量,從而降低土壤分散度,提高土壤團聚性,增加土壤團粒結構數量,改善土壤的透水性,促進良好土壤結構的形成,最終提高土壤的蓄水保肥性能,增強土壤的抗蝕性和抗沖性。

Biology enzyme is adopted to deal with the rabbit wool fibre , which changes the modality and configuration of the rabbit wool fibre , improves fibre ' s surface friction coefficient , fortifies the holding force among the fibres , enhances the spinnability , and meliorates the depilation of the rabbit wool textiles 摘要對兔毛纖維采用生物酶處理,使其形態結構發生改變,從而提高了兔毛纖維的表面摩擦系數,增加了纖維之間的抱合力,提高了纖維的可紡性,改善了兔毛紡織品的脫毛現象。

Based on these models , a main - road traffic flow model with two speeds on one dimension is designed . this model simulate the situation of one road in the city , traffic lights placed on the crossing , using the computer simulation , firstly , in the case of synchronized traffic lights , we investigated the velocity and flow of the model when the initial density , the turning probabilities , the number of the traffic lights , the green to signal ratio and the period of the signal are changed , then we have advanced some meliorate measure to traffic flow ; secondly , in the case of the traffic lights “ signal update delay in turn , we found the optimal matching between the period of the signal and the delay time of the traffic lights so as to the perfect velocity and the flow of the model are attained 在此基礎上,建立了一維二速主干道模型,該模型模擬了城市交通中一條主干道的交通情況,在交叉口處設置紅綠燈,通過計算機模擬,首先,在交通燈信號同步更新的條件下,研究模型在改變車輛的初始密度、轉向概率、交通燈個數、紅綠燈信號的綠信比、紅綠燈信號周期等各種情況下主干道的速度、流量的變化,根據模擬結果提出一些改善交通的有效措施;其次,在交通燈信號依次延遲更新的條件下,研究模型在參數道路長、紅綠燈綠信比、交通燈個數、車輛的初始密度給定的情況下找到紅綠燈信號周期和延遲時間的最佳匹配使得主干道的速度、流量達到最理想的值。

The researching work is combined with our actual project , and it will provide rational guidance in theory for our project in the future as more as possible . it is very useful to meliorate the surrounding on the navy vessels , and also helpful to develop new air - conditioner . i believe that this designed system has well prospect 本課題的研究,結合了實際工程項目的成功實施,在盡可能的情況下,為實際工程項目的進一步優化實施提供理論指導;并且對于開發新的環保、節能空調也有非常大的推廣意義,相信本除濕制冷系統會有良好的應用前景。

The result of the experiments shows that the effects of compound pozzolanic and micro - aggregate have been produced when silica fume and slag were added into concrete together . and the stone enveloped with cement can meliorate distinctly the structure of the transition zone of interface , thus the strength of concrete is improved 試驗結果表明:在混凝土中同時摻入硅灰和礦渣可以產生復合火山灰效應和微集料填充效應; “凈漿裹石”攪拌工藝可以大大改善界面過渡區結構,從而提高混凝土的強度。

Chapter 5 : the crucial part of this paper . first , the basic thoughtfulness about the planning of waterfront landscape spatial system in wuhan city and the planning mode are presented . then practical measures and approaches for meliorating it in waterfront planning and construction of wuhan city are introduced 第5章:是本文最重要的部分,探討了武漢市城市濱水景觀空間系統規劃的基本思路及規劃模式,并就前文指出的武漢市濱水區開發及現狀濱水景觀格局中存在的問題提出了相應的對策及改善途徑。

The author programs for new design through microsoft visual basic and microsoft access , and applies the program successfully to actual system design , and in the end concludes a control strategy adapting the situation of china . the strategy is characterized by adding and meliorating a few of the equipments of the primary pump system , resulting in safe , efficient and economic operation mode , and lighting the workload at the same time 本文針對目前國內普遍采用的一次泵變流量系統存在的問題,吸收了國內外空調冷水變流量系統成功的控制方法的長處,提出了一種既適合中國國情,又經濟可行的控制策略,其特點是,只需在現有的一次泵系統控制形式上增加和改進少量控制設備,就能使系統安全、高效、節能運行,并降低了空調冷水系統的能耗,減輕了運行管理人員的工作量。

By studying and learning the overseas experiences , the bus rapid transit with the chinese characteristics should be established and meliorated step by step with our urban traffic specific conditions to improve the running efficiency and the whole level of service of the public traffic , and then make the entire traffic environments better in essence 借鑒國外成功經驗,結合我國城市交通具體情況,建立并逐步完善有中國特色的快速公交系統,以期提高公交運營速度與整體服務水平,進而從根本上改善整個交通環境。

Two - addition technique of flying ash and silica fume can meliorate durability of concrete ; air - entraining admixture possesses anti - freezing , descending ice point , and improving workability , and thereof it should be used in concrete . but controlling its dosage is very important to avoid strength loss 發現粉煤灰和硅灰的雙摻技術能夠顯著改善混凝土的耐久性能,引氣劑具備防凍抗凍、抗滲及提高負溫混凝土工作性的優點,在負溫混凝土中應該加大使用范圍,但必須控制其摻量,確保強度損失較小。

The fourth chapter discusses management of the process of features construction , in this chapter , the author first pointed out some problem in the building and management of features construction of cities and towns in chongqing , then , in order to in meliorate the gross situation , the author brought forwards some ways such as city operation and illuminated how to use these ways 第四章論述對城鎮風貌的建設與管理。本章首先指出目前重慶城鎮風貌建設與管理中存在的問題,然后針對粗放型的建設與管理狀況,提出城市經營等改善管理的方法并說明這些方法在重慶城鎮風貌建構中的具體運用,最后歸納重慶城鎮風貌建構的原則和程序。

Results came as follows : in this dissertation , we found that it was the smallness of the positive electrode capacitance that limits the performance of carbon based supercapacitors in alkaline electrolytes , and the performance could be meliorated if the active material loaded on positive electrode increased . activated carbon electrode was proved to have good capacitor performances in neutral electrolyte such as ammonium sulfate solution and ammonium nitrate solution , but a correlated problem is the corrosion of the metal current collector 本文通過考察活性炭電極在堿性電解液中的電極行為,指出活性炭電極在堿性溶液中正極性能較差是影響碳基超級電容器性能的重要因素,增大正極活性物質的載量能夠使電容性能得到一定程度的改善,同時發現活性炭電極在硫酸銨和硝酸銨等中性電解液中具有優越的電極性能,但存在金屬集流體的腐蝕問題。

As a result , vulnerable ecological environment is showed with the ecological bearing capacity in middle reaches of hetian river . in the view of the features of landscape pattern in the middle reaches of hetian river , the landscape protection principles of development , harmonization and reality and ecological landscape construction principle including adapting nature , mutualism , adjusting ecosystem and meliorating function , local regulation and whole “ harmonization are put forward A ,指出區域內生態環境質量在提高,但依舊無法脫離荒漠生態體系,是一種極其脆弱的生態環境。針對和田河中游地區景觀生態的具體特點,提出了發展、協調、現實的景觀保護原則以及適應自然、共生互利、調整結構,改善功能、局部控制與整體協調的景觀生態建設原則,相應地制定出河流廊道建設、綠色植被建設以及綠洲建設的景觀生態建設途徑

As a result it enhanced the water - retaining and fertility - retaining capacity , strengthened the anti - scour and anti - erosion ability . 3 . sabaigrass can meliorated the little entironment of purple soil bare slope field the results show that sabaigrass treatment and grass tree solid plating treatment can reduce n ( nitrogen ) , p ( phosphorus ) and k ( potassium ) erosion , increase soil nutrition element content , it also increase soil water content and soil pondage , decrease soil water evaporation , strengthen the anti - drought ability 龍須草能改善紫色土荒坡地的小生境龍須草純種植被和林草立體種植植被能不同程度地增加土壤的有機質和速效n 、 p 、 k的含量;增加土壤含水量和貯水量,減緩和減少土壤的水分蒸發,增強土壤的抗旱能力;降低土壤盛夏的地表最高溫度,減少地表溫度變化幅度。

For example ; the inclined government policy , the peasants “ idea renovation for the ecology protection , , meliorating the country economy arrangement as the local condition , strictly restraining the population and bettering the people ' s quality , establishing the modern agricultural technique system , setting up more towns for the redundant labor transfer 如加大政策傾斜力度;進一步更新觀念,提高農民的環境保護意識;調整農業產業結構;嚴格控制人口數量,提高人力資源素質;建立現代農業技術體系;發展小城鎮,轉移農村剩余勞動力。

Secondly , the author point out the problems of development of chinese tourism marketing for example , the tourism marketing is not perfect , and the marketing kind is not complete , and the system of tourism marketing is imperfect and so on in the end , the author gives some advice how to settle these problems in order to make chinese tourism industry great progress the system of tourism maketing should be meliorated ; model of sales promotion of tourism product should be improved ; new objective tourism marketing should be developed , for instance , we should develop education tourism marketing , rural tourism marketing and the rich residents of tourism marketing many methods of demonstration are adopted , qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis are integrated ; deductjve reasoning and induction are expioited with ease ; the author anach importance to empoloy relative theorv , of tourism , at the same time , the researching of the calse is emphasized 這篇論文針對我國目前的旅游市場進行宏觀分析,首先就我國旅游市場的宏觀背景即國內旅游市場發展背景和國際旅游、旅游市場研究進展和趨勢進行初步探悉,運用現實的統計數據和抽樣調查數據進行分析論證;其次就我國目前旅游市場的現狀和存在的問題進行闡述和分析,然后針對我國目前旅游市場的特征和存在的問題提出發展戰略和解決措施,分析問題的方法上主要采用抽樣調查、比較分析法、演繹與歸納、定量與定性相結合等。

Thirdly , it is necessary to analyze the pyrology environment of the transition space , because it is a new space form . the update of design , conformation and technology will help to meliorate the pyrology environment of the transition space and make it become a indispensable composing in the pyrology environment of the whole building 但是對于一個新產生的空間形態無論是從交往產生的角度還是從整個建筑物的氣候適宜性要求角度都需要對其熱環境進行分析,通過設計、構造及技術的更新使其成為整個建筑優良的熱環境體系的一部分。

After briefly introduce the basic genetic algorithm ( ga ) theory , aimming at the “ prematurity “ of basic genetic algorithm , we put forward a new improved genetic algorithm , the basic genetic algorithm combine simulate anneal ing ( gasa ) , to meliorate the local search ability of basic genetic algorithm . because many design problems , such as the preliminary fuzzy rule and input and output membership fuction are hard to gain and the learni ng process of fuzzy neural network ( fnn ) is slow and local optimization , we design the fuzzy neural network excitation controllers of turbine generators with genetic algorithm combine simulate anneal ing ( gasa ) 本文首先介紹了水輪發電機勵磁控制方式和軟計算理論的發展,然后介紹了遺傳算法的基本理論,針對基本遺傳算法存在的“早熟”現象,介紹了一種遺傳算法結合模擬退火的改進型遺傳算法,改善了基本遺傳算法的局部搜索能力。鑒于常規模糊神經神經網絡勵磁控制器設計方法中存在著初始模糊規則和輸入輸出隸屬度函數難以確定以及模糊神經網絡訓練緩慢和難以達到全局最優等問題,利用遺傳算法結合模擬退火的改進型遺傳算法來設計模糊神經網絡勵磁控制器。

System “ s workload and memory wastage are successfully reduced and become more stable . to optimize the vrviewer system , the module of memory management , navigation , user interface were meliorated . based on the before - mentioned ways , our vr walkthrough system had achieved good experimental result 此外還對瀏覽器的內存管理、導航、操作等方面進行了優化和完善,改進了vrdk的瀏覽器部分vrviewer ,在桌面系統上實現了無延遲、平滑過渡的多視點空間漫游效果。