
meld vt.,vi.〔美國〕吞沒;合并。


Pat oliphant ' s cartoon melds two current concerns prominent in us newspapers . at one level it plays wittily on the theme of bovine spongiform encephalopathy , the dreaded “ mad cow disease “ recently detected in the carcass of a slaughtered dairy cow from washington state unless , as is now suspected , it actually originated in alberta 一方面,漫畫巧妙地提到了最近從華盛頓州宰殺的牛體中檢測出來的牛腦海綿體病,也就是可怕的瘋牛病除非該病真是如所懷疑的那樣起源于加拿大的阿爾伯塔否則就是源于華盛頓州了。

As a result of a simple action , western and eastern religions are provocatively melded together , thereby shedding light on the fact that very different rituals , ceremonial procedures and iconographies fundamentally are grounded on similar , if not the same , human desires 也說明了一個事實:不同的儀式,不同的祭祀過程,不同的肖像,基本上均建立在相似的、盡管不盡相同的欲望上。

Jointly funded by shanghai shenda corporation group and nanhui industrai - park at the stadard of a three star hotel , taochen holiday center , with its wonderfully melded metropolis and ldyllic style , is a modern hotel encompassing services of commerce and four 桃城度假村由上海申達集團與南匯工業園區按三星級標準合資建造,集商務旅游一體的現代化酒店式都市田園度假村。

This venue melds nostalgia with modern times . the verandah restaurant recreates the romance and colonial grandeur of the repulse bay hotel while the front lawn and the garden are ideal for alfresco parties , product launches or wedding parties 影灣園的露臺餐廳流露殖民地時代的華麗色彩,浪漫典雅而前園的草坪和花園,更是舉行露天派對產品發布會或婚宴的理想場地。

By multivariable analysis , only meld score , american society of anesthesiologists class , and age predicted mortality at 30 and 90 days , 1 year , and long - term , independently of type or year of surgery 多變量分析提示,只有meld評分、美國麻醉醫師學會分級和患者年齡是預測患者術后30天和90天、 1年和長期隨訪死亡率的獨立危險因素,與手術類型和手術時間無關。

The serum creatinine alue aries depending upon the laboratory where it is measured , is different between genders without a correction factor in meld and is generally inaccurate as a marker of kidney function in lier failure 血清肌酐值在實驗室檢測多變,其在無糾正系數meld評分中的性別之間有差異,并且在肝衰情況下作為腎功能標志通常是不準確的

This entity stimulates the chakras of the medium directly , by melding with the medium and causing psychic abilities , clairvoyance , channelling , healing , production of ectoplasm etc to manifest through the medium 這個實體通過與靈媒合為一體、直接刺激靈媒的脈輪,以引發心靈能力、超視覺、通靈、治療、產生流質等等,并通過靈媒加以展示。

Dear ding wei , melds influences such as flamenco , electronica and unplugged , classical string quartet and world music . secret garden and the ding sisters will take turns on the stage and collaborate on two ding fei fei s signature tunes 今年的新唱片《親愛的丁薇》糅合了佛蘭明高、電子、古典和世界音樂等多種元素,表現出超卓的才華。

For programmers to separate their html from their css , then force a browser to retrieve some representation of a page that melds these all back together , defeats much of the advantage of these standards 如果程序員要將html與css分離,然后強制瀏覽器檢索粘結頁面各部分的一些頁面表示,這會失去這些標準的多數優點。

Patients were followed for clinical toxicities , alterations in model for end - stage - liver disease ( meld ) score , tumor response , downstaging to rfa , resection , transplantation , and survival 隨訪觀察患者的臨床毒性,晚期肝臟疾病模型( meld )評分變化,腫瘤反應,爭取降期可射頻消融( rfa ) ,切除,肝移植和存活率。

A brain decoder that worked on all brains still might not allow for telepathy on the order of a vulcan mind meld in the star trek series , which enabled universal translation 一個可用在所有大腦的大腦解碼器,還是無法做到科幻影集星艦奇航中瓦肯人心靈融合那樣的精神感應,可以轉譯所有語言。

Donald l . shaw , maxwell mccombs , david h . weavers and bradley j . hamm , individuals , groups , and agenda melding : a theory of social dissonance , international journal of public opinion research 祝建華: 《議題之競爭與注意力之遷移:議題設置研究中的零和游戲理論》 , 《新聞學季刊》 1992年,第62期。

The boundary radii of atoms and ions the meld program is employed to evaluate the potential ( ( r ) acting on an electron at the point r within an atom ( ion ) 根據電子運動的經典轉折點,定義了原子(離子)的內稟特征邊界半徑。具體表述如下:原子中的一個電子在運動過程中,動能和勢能在不斷變化。

Greg ewing has created a language called pyrex , which melds python and c . in particular , to use pyrex , you write functions in a python - like language that adds type - declarations to selected variables 特別地,要使用pyrex ,需要用類似python的語言編寫函數,這種語言將類型聲明添加到所選變量中。

Meld score , age , and american society of anesthesiologists class can quantify the risk of mortality postoperatively in patients with cirrhosis , independently of the procedure performed Meld評分、患者年齡和美國麻醉醫師學會分級能夠定量反映肝硬化患者術后死亡風險,而不受手術情況的影響。

With the launch of ads , the number of chinese tourists travelling to the uk to experience the exciting melding of old and new that is britain is set to increase . 英國成為中國公民的旅游目的地國后,到英國去的中國游客會不斷增加,去體驗這個令人興奮的古典和現代融合的國度。 ”

Trying to make structures much smaller than half of that spacing is like trying to read print that is too tiny : diffraction causes the features to blur and meld together 若要嘗試做出比這個長度的一半還小得多的結構,就像試著要讀出極小的字,因為繞射使得細節模糊而溶在一起。

That night , we had a great time with master , laughing and singing with her . she walked around , leading us in song and melding us into one with no discrimination between self and others 那天晚上師父陪我們歡笑陪我們唱歌還繞場帶動唱,完全和同修融入一體,沒有你我分別。

Researchers have long noted that by melding together hundreds of faces , a statistical average of facial characteristics is reached that happens to be incredibly attractive 科學家早已發現通過融合幾百張臉,得到的一張統計學上的面部特征平均的臉,碰巧是極為富有吸引力的。