
melchior n.梅爾基奧爾〔姓氏〕。


Anna melchior ' s thoughtful book is not a political programme , though it has huge political implications ; it is a well - argued defence of the most important work that mothers engage in : raising happy , well - balanced children on whose adult emotional maturity society depends 安娜.梅爾基奧爾深思熟慮的著作盡管具有重大的政治寓意,但它不是一種政治計劃;它很好地論證了這樣的觀點:母親的工作是養育快樂、健全的兒童,而社會仰仗于這些兒童長大成人后的感情成熟程度,因而母親的工作最為重要。

To avoid this , melchior wants mothers properly “ reintegrated “ into society , a society that respects their worth and which supplements their mothering rather than supplanting it 為了避免這種情況,梅爾基奧爾希望母親們適當地“重新融入”社會,融入一個尊重其價值、并且輔助而不是替代其育兒職能的社會之中。

Each of them came from a different culture : melchior was asian , balthazar was persian and gaspar was ethopian , thus representing the three races known to the old world 每一位都來自不同的文化:梅爾基奧是亞洲人,巴爾薩扎是波斯人,加斯帕是埃塞俄比亞人,從而代表著東半球的三個種族。

Melchior brought a golden cup , which , according to legend , was preserved by the blessed virgin mary and was the same cup used in the institution of the holy eucharist 梅爾基奧帶來了一只黃金的杯,依照傳說,由受祝福的圣母瑪利亞保存著,在圣餐上也同樣使用這只杯。

Melchior krafft was a virtuoso , his father jean michel a famous conductor . it was no wonder that melchior ' s son , christophe , should be a musician 曼希沃是一位演奏家,他的父親約翰?米希爾是著名的樂隊指揮。毫不足怪,曼希沃的兒子克利斯朵夫也應該是個音樂家。

He became the mainstay of the family financially , even collecting his father ' s wages before melchior could get his hands on them 他成了家庭經濟的主要支柱,甚至他父親的工資也由他去領取而不讓他父親沾手。

According to medieval legends , the three wisemen were named melchior , balthazar and gaspar 根據中世紀的傳說,這三位智者名字是梅爾基奧,巴爾薩扎和加斯帕。

When melchior finally drowned himself , his death was a financial benefit to the kraffts 曼希沃后來淹死了,他的死倒給克拉夫脫家庭的經濟帶來了好處。

Your cousin melchior was imprudent with his investments and got into a very queer street . 你表兄梅爾基奧投資太不小心,負了很多債。