
melanoma n.(pl. -mas, -mata ) 【醫學】黑瘤。


Like non - melanoma skin cancer , sun exposure is the main and most preventable risk for malignant melanoma 正如非黑素瘤皮膚癌一樣,陽光照射是惡性黑素瘤的主要成因,也是最容易預防的因素。

They did this by infecting the t - cells with genetically modified viruses carrying genes that coded for receptors to melanoma molecules 這些病人沒有別的選擇他們的生命預計只有3到6個月。

Clinical analysis of the flap repair for the skin defect resulted from the resection of cutaneous malignant melanoma in the heel region 足跟部皮膚惡性腫瘤切除術后皮瓣修復的臨床療效分析

We review the literature and discuss the clinical manifestation , radiographic evaluation , and adjuvant therapy of metastatic melanoma 病人的預后好壞通常決定于病人的術前診斷分期。

Effects of 6 kinds of monomers extracted from chinese medicines including icariine on melanogenesis in cloudman s91 melanoma cells 淫羊藿甙對大鼠成骨細胞分泌細胞因子的影響

However , the diagnosis of primary esophageal melanoma always should be kept in mind despite of its rarity 但是原發性食道黑色素瘤總是需要納入鑒別診斷雖然它是很罕見的。

Improvement of adcmv - gfp gene transfection efficiency induced by heavy - ion beam irradiation on murine melanoma cells 離子束輻射對用帶有綠色熒光蛋白基因的缺陷性腺病毒

Evaluation on long - term follow - up results of two operative methods to treat melanoma on heel and sole 兩種治療足跟與足跖部皮膚惡性黑色素瘤手術的遠期療效評價

The study involved patients with advanced melanoma , the deadliest form of skin cancer 這項研究針對患有晚期黑素瘤的患病群,黑素瘤是一種最具致命形式皮膚癌。

Therapeutic effect of il - 12 gene modified tumor cell vaccine on transplanted intraocular melanoma in mice 12基因修飾瘤苗治療小鼠眼內移植性黑色素瘤療效觀察

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on the invasion and adherence of b16 - mb mouse melanoma cells 共軛亞油酸對人胃腺癌細胞侵襲及轉移相關基因表達的影響

With malignant melanoma the outcome depends very much on how deep into the skin the cancer has grown 至于惡性黑素瘤,效果則很視乎癌細胞深入皮膚的程度。

In this report , we discuss the diagnosis , treatnient and prognosis of choroidal melanoma 在這篇報告中,我們還討論脈絡膜惡性黑色素瘤的診斷,治療和預后。

Norcantharidin induced a375 - s2 melanoma cell apoptosis : involvement of caspases and bcl - 2 family 腫瘤壞死因子相關凋亡誘導配體誘導胃癌細胞凋亡機制的研究

Malignant melanomas start by growing outwards form the skin , then growing downwards into the skin 惡性黑素瘤初時會在表皮向外生長,然后再深入皮膚。

The effects of conjugated linoleic acid on the adherence and migration of b16 - mb mouse melanoma cells 共軛亞油酸對鼠黑素瘤細胞侵襲和粘附的影響

Effects of carrying murine gm - csf gene adenovirus vector on immune response of b16 melanoma bearing mice 16黑色素瘤小鼠免疫功能的影響

Primary malignant melanoma of oesophagogastric junction : a case report and review of literature 鼻腔原發性惡性黑色素瘤1例及文獻復習

Pathology of the bronchoscopic biopsy via lb6 showed malignant melanoma 常見于肺部轉移的原發腫瘤有乳癌、頭頸部腫瘤、大腸癌或胃癌。